Pay It Forward Curation Contest Entry - Week 23


This is my entry of 2 featured bloggers for week 23 of #payitforward contest organized and promoted by @pifc.



My first featured blogger is @nunojudas. Nuno Judas from Lisbon (Portugal) is new to steem community, as he has joined the platform in September 2018. He describes himself as "just a guy who loves to take pictures".

Featured Post: My Litle Big Lisbon

I live in Lisbon and I love to travel. I will show you some other citties I've been to. But there's no other like Lisbon. The city where the sun shines brighter.
Welcome to my beloved city. LISBOA



My second featured blogger this week is @gwynnefer, who has joined our community in July 2018 and has already posted several wonderful travel and life stories.

Featured Post: Tag 6 - Petersburg

Heute kommen wir zum Höhepunkt unsrer Kreuzschifffahrt. Petersburg - habe ich vor 33 Jahren, als Leningrad über den Jugendtourist für Reisen in das NSW (Nichtsozialistische Länder) und die DSF (Deutsch-Sowjetische Freundschaft) kennengelernt. Hätte mir das damals einer gesagt, dass ich als deutscher Bundesbürger noch einmal als "normaler" Tourist hierher komme, ich hätte das nicht geglaubt.

Contest link: @pifc/week-23-pay-it-forward-curation-contest-00ae308b0ed5best

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