Eye To Eye Around the World

I just came across this video earlier today. If anything should go viral here on Steemit I would think this could be it. Many years ago, as a teenager of only 15, my mother signed me up to one of those new age seminars that were supposed to change your life. I think it was more of a cult type thing, but I remember one of the exercises was to stand and look in a strangers eyes for a certain amount of time. Maybe it was only one minute. Maybe it was longer. All I remember is that I was terrified, extremely uncomfortable and my knees began to shake. All I wanted was for it to be over.

Before you press play, disconnect from any distractions. It's worth being present. And check in the credits at the end.
Perhaps your country and city were part of the project. Did anyone here on Steemit participate? Or witness? Would love to read about it if so.

But now, I get it. I think.

I saw another similar project from eyetoeyeproject.org a year or so ago. It made my cry. So I had to watch it again. And again. And share it.

This one was done in Israeli society. Mind blowing really.

Enjoy your weekend.
Peace ☮️

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