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Dear Peerplays Supporters,

Software security testing and bug fixing for Peerplays is currently being finalized, and so PBSA has recommended a Peerplays blockchain launch delay of 7 days. The time period between Tuesday, June 6, 2017 at 06:00 UTC and Wednesday, June 7 at 06:00 UTC would follow as the next Peerplays blockchain launch window.

For PPY balance claims, detailed instructions will be linked at www.peerplays.com at least 24 hours in advance of blockchain launch. Since the Peerplays blockchain does not place any time limit on PPY balance claims, please remember to study and review these instructions carefully before proceeding to claim your balance.

Please visit https://www.github.com/pbsa for Peerplays software testing network information.

Join Telegram for the latest updates and discussions at: https://t.me/Peerplays.

If you want to learn more about running a block signing witness node, please join the discussion here: https://t.me/PeerplaysWitness.

Looking forward to launch!

-The Peerplays Team

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