Privex is now running a PeerPlays seed - High-speed block downloads for our customers

At Privex, we have a lot of customers running various BitShares-based nodes, including STEEM, GOLOS, and PeerPlays.

We've decided to help out our customers by running a PeerPlays seed node from within our network. This means if you're located in our Germany region, you'll be downloading blocks at a full 1gbit/s, no slowdowns caused by connecting outside our network.

Don't worry if you're not a customer, our seed node has a whopping 1gbit/s (1000mbps) upload speed throughout the rest of Europe too. We trust you'll be happy with our brilliant connectivity.

Our seed node is:

seed-node = # @privex/@someguy123 (DE)

It's included by default in @someguy123's PeerPlays-in-a-Box.

If you're looking for a server provider for your new PeerPlays seed, RPC node, or Witness, check out our packages here. We accept STEEM, SBD, LTC, BTC, and many other cryptocurrencies on request :)

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