Known as the Sea Gypsies other call them the Sea People. Locally we call them The BADJAO




The Badjao famous known as the Sea Gypsies of Sulu and other coastal areas in the Philippine for other they are known as the Sea Man or Sea People because of their ability to breath and walk in the bottom of the sea for many minutes. usually they live along the sea they build small stilt nipa house others live in bangka or houseboats where they make their livelihood solely as expert fishermen, deep sea divers, navigator and sometimes they also engaged on selling accessories such as earrings, necklaces and others made of pearls and shells to the tourist and also to the locals.They come to shore to barter their harvests for farmed produce such as fruits and vegetables as well as, replenish their supplies and/or make repairs to their houseboats. Unique to their cultural rituals is the concept of life and their relationship to the sea. For example, as a childbirth ritual, a newly born infant is thrown into the sea and members of the clan dive to save the newborn. Other traditions such as marriages are prearranged by the parents for their sons and daughters; the process similar to other ethnic groups, in that, a dowry is often presented to the parents of the woman a man wishes to marry. And, only the Badjao leader can consecrate a marriage. Therefore a leader is chosen based on individual inherent virtues, wisdom and inate ability to attract followers.




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