Do people spend time in the virtual world more than in the present?

With the passage of time, this question is becoming more affirmative than negative.

True, there are people who spend much more time in a virtual world than in the real world. Especially those people who are not able to relate to others in real life or are simply under the constant threat of bullying. It is much easier for them to lock up and sit in front of a pc or play their favorite video games.

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That is the best way to pass the time and especially, as it is hidden behind a screen, they can themselves invent a new life through those games known as "role", where each person is a character and they are inventing stories As they wish.

For an asocial person, who is accustomed to being in the dark of his room, the virtual world is the best way to create "friendships" or to risk talking to someone else.

Imagine how easy it is to create a character to put a name on you and create the whole profile of the character to your liking, chances are that the character is just like the person you would like to be in real life but you do not dare.

And even the most ignored person of all can have a great empire in the network, and many people follow as an example, as a boss, as a leader or as a "king", depending on what the game that they dedicate.

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It is something similar to the game known under the name of "dungeons and dragons" is a table game where each participant becomes a character, and the goal is to go through dungeons and beat all the mythical and fantastic beasts that cross you the way. With the technological advances, all this can be real not necessarily in the daily life but in the virtual world.

However, not only the antisocial, the bullying or the nerds are the only ones able to become a new "cybernaut", we are all likely to turn our real time into virtual time, as long as we do things that we really like.

I, for example, many times I have preferred to stay at home playing my favorite video games that go out to an album with some friends.

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And not only that, thanks to the new smart phones, to all the new consoles that come out day by day, people have become zombies of being glued to a screen, especially with the cell phones. And pitifully many of them prefer to stick to a screen talking or gossiping about the lives of others, then spending time with people who really want to devote their time to them.

This happens even in meetings where the vast majority of people are seen to be tied to their cell phones and have forgotten what it is to share in reality with the other people you have just a step away.

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