BLUER than Green: Part DEUX

Who of you in Steemit land would like to kill polar bears?

Show of hands? Anyone? Anyone?


What about baby seals? Who wants to go clubbing with me tonight? Anyone?



How about honey bees? Surely, those little stinging pests deserve a painful death, yes?


Hmmm. I’m sure all my fellow Steemians can agree that corporations, or individual people, for that matter, can dump toxic sludge into the water ways of our world, right? I mean, that icky stuff must go somewhere, but not in “my backyard.” Right? "Out of sight out of mind." Right?


Huh? Well, I guess you all must be ENVIRONMENTALISTS then, right?


Why not?

Is it because when you hear that word, that “E” word, ENVIRONMENTALIST, unpleasant images come to mind?

Images of protestors blockading forestry workers and girls crying for “the trees” cause us to shake our heads or even to laugh at how “over the top” some people can be.
( )
Seriously, these people, though well intentioned, put the mental back into environmentalist.

Due to the non-normal activities of these people the average person tends to want to distance themselves from such spectacles. That's understandable. No one wants to be seen as a wingnut, an extremist or a zealot. No one wants polar bears, baby seals, or honey bees to die. So inferring that if you are not "with them" then you must be for the aforementioned things tends to rub people the wrong way. This keeps many from considering the very real and serious issues facing our world.

Let's do a word association experiment, shall we?
When the word “environmentalist” is used, what connotations come to mind?


Tree Hugger?



None of these are flattering titles. They may or may not fit, but sometimes perception is reality.

Most people can agree that recycling and not littering is responsible behavior, but some “environmentalists” take it too far.

They champion the idea that the earth is being destroyed and their collective life mission is to save it. Save it from whom?

Why, from us of course, you silly rabbit.

We are the problem. If only we were reduced, reused and recycled then "Mother Earth" would be saved. In fact, many environmentalist outright call for the elimination of most, if not all of the worlds human population. Don't believe me, check these out:

As I've stated in my previous post, this demeaning view of humanity is the fatal flaw in modern environmentalism. The goals of these groups of environmentalists may be noble, but their approach turns more people away from being truly responsible for the world around us.

That is why I am a proponent of Permaculture. Founded by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren, these men clearly and succinctly taught that in order to be a good steward of the world around us we needed to follow 3 main tenants, or ethics.

1.) Care of the Earth
2.) Care of People
3.) Return of Surplus for the purpose of accomplishing the first two ethics

Bill Mollison expressed the Prime Directive of Permaculture as:

"The only ethical decision is to take responsibility for our own existence and that of our children."

That is precisely what being BLUER than green is all about. Building Legacies Utilizing Earth's Resources.

My next post in this series with delve deeper into what is means to be BLUER.

Thanks for reading!

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