Anarchapulco Farm, Garden Update 7: Still Growing and Discovering

To those who actually read and enjoy these garden updates, I apologize for the lack of them recently.  Things are still growing here, and we've discovered some new interesting plants here on the property worth noting, like the wild passion flower shown above.  I've seen real passion flowers in my neighborhood, which are huge and complex, these are just a minature simple version I've found growing wild, I've chosen to keep them around for their beauty.  I'll get on with it, though.

In the ledge that once held my cherry tomatoes, now has a three sisters garden.  I've got blue popcorn, congo watermelon and mammoth sugar peas growing currently.  I planted pumpkins as well, but they didn't seem to handle the transplant well.

The lettuce is coming along, although slightly slowly. We're just now getting to a point where we can pick off a few leaves here and there.  My last round of lettuce seeds didn't sprout at all, although I suspect it was my fault. We'll try again in the morning. We've got plenty of space, just need more plants.

The tomatoes on that ledge are coming along nicely.  The compost teas, water, sunshine and beautiful view have been doing them some good.  I harvested some snacks from them today, in the form of ripe tomatoes. 

My favorite the yellow pear variety is going strong, no doubt we'll have lots of thse in the future.  Seeds to be saved from this plant for sure.

I've been getting some ripe bell peppers, although they've been small.  I've gotten a good amount of seeds out of the one, enough to keep me encouraged.

My rutgers beefsteak variety is finally fruiting, I just need to get it trellised before it's too late!

The kohlrabi is doing well, although it was slumped from the bright sun today.  I found another little baby that's decided to grow, so we've got two adult and one little baby.

I've gotten 3 jalapenos off of this plant and I've got two and a half of them left, they're so spicy.  The beans seem to be loving the environment, I've had to train them to go behind the pepper so they don't block the sun too much.

I've been avoiding this bed, trying to justify it by saying I'm letting the treehoppers leave.  That's actually partially true, but I expected it to be a lot of work as well.  Turns out I did a good job on this one, it ended up just needing extra mulch, water and more plants.

I added Organodel, a composted cow manure product, peat moss and sheet mulched.  I didn't disturb much of the previous mulch because I didn't need to.  I thought the soil would be compacted but it wasn't, showing that I did the soil right the first time around. I just needed to add water and mulch love to prepare it for plants, this time marketmore cucumber.

I think this is a cayenne, one that seems to be flowering in it's tiny state.

Remember that article I did on the hallucinogenic cousin to tomatoes? Turns out it's already growing in my driveway.  The night we bought Risk, as I was closing the gate I noticed the massive bloom.  We have the flowers and leaves drying, to smoke in the near future.  I will for sure share that with you all.

So things are still growing and still progressing, at a slightly slower pace.  The new cucumber bed has me excited, so I'll probably be motivated to get more gardening done tomorrow.  That means there are more of these to come, for those who are interested.  Thank you for reading, happy gardening. 

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