Think Like A Whale: Ambitious Amber - Part 2

Think Like A Whale

In my last post What Many Learn the Hard Way: Your Strategy May Be Crippling Your Steemit Potential I went over several relatable Steemit personality types. I encourage you to check it out if you haven't yet. In this 2nd part of the series, I'll elaborate on “Ambitious Amber" and her thought process. In order to be a whale, you must think like one first. You'll learn how you too, can think like a whale.

"But they're whales because they created the platform."

"But they're whales because they had a bunch of money and bought in early."

"But they're whales because they're Steem Witnesses."

"But they're whales because they were already famous."

Stop It! Quit making excuses why you can't be a whale!

I'm not denying these are reasons some people are whales, but using these as excuses will hurt your long-term success! 

Okay, okay, no more excuses. I want to be a whale, how do I make it happen?

I'm so glad you asked! 

If you wish to be a whale, you must first think like a whale. 

If you want to think like a whale, you need a handful of personality traits. 

If you don't already possess these traits, you must develop them.

Personality Traits Of A Whale

  • Strong work ethic
    • This won't be easy. Nothing worthwhile is ever easy. It will take a lot of work, and I guarantee there will be times when you're frustrated and consider giving up. These are the times when you need to work the hardest. 
  • Discipline
    • You'll have a strict regimen that you're going to create for yourself. You will need the discipline of an Olympic athlete to accomplish these tasks day in and day out. Most people can stick with something for a week, but persisting for a year is an entirely different beast.
  • Patience
    • Like building your ideal physique, growing a large following doesn't happen overnight.

  • Willingness to accept delayed gratification
    • You cannot spend money as soon as you earn it. Think like an investor: Would you rather have $100 now or $1000 in the future? You must choose the latter!
  • Crave knowledge
    • You will need to learn everything you can about Steemit in order to best utilize it. It is much easier to learn something when you really want to master it than when you have to learn it. Learn from your own mistakes. Learn what works and what doesn't. Always continue learning!

In the next post, I will be laying out an action plan to become a whale. Although there was a brief action plan in the previous segment, I feel it deserves to be expanded upon. If you got value out of the first 2 parts of this series, consider following me and stay tuned for Part 3.

Click here to read part one

Thoughts? Praises? Criticisms? I'd love to hear and discuss them in the comments!

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