Shifting Perspective for Added Joy and Fulfillment

Thank you for joining me today, friend. The goal of this vlog is to shift your perspective on seemingly negative circumstances in your life.

The truth is... everyone on the planet has experienced circumstances that have been less than desirable. The hard times that might not make sense in the moment can be difficult to wrap your head around.

I want to help shift your thinking into a different pattern, giving you an improved way to look at negative events in your life. This perspective shift is going to cause you to feel more joy, happiness, and fulfillment in your life no matter what is happening around you.

I am starting this video with the lights dimmed down. What I am going to do now is walk you through a couple scenarios where 2 different men go to battle and come back wounded.

Pay close attention to the following clips and you will see a big difference between the two perspectives shown.

Scene 1 - Man 1

Ahh! I can't believe this happened to me. I went to battle and stepped on a landmine. I got my leg blown off and I'm so upset about it. I don't understand why this had to happen.

There were so many things that I wanted to do with my life having 2 legs, but now I only have 1. I'll never be able to walk again. I am stuck in this ridiculous wheel chair for the rest of my life and I am completely ruined.

I am so mad right now at the people who did this to me. I am angry with my family, with my friends, God, and I have no reason to live now. Woe is me! I will never be OK with this, nor will I ever be able to forgive the people who did this to me.

Scene 2 - Man 2

You'll never believe what just happened! I got my leg blown off at war but I am here to tell about it. I am still alive!

I am in a wheelchair right now but that is OK because I get to impact others because this event happened. I get to spread a message of hope across the globe and be an inspiration to others.

I am so glad that I get to see my friends and family again. I get to hug them again and say I love you once again. I had buddy's in battle with me that lost their lives and I could have been one of those men.

Thankfully my God has saved me from this and I now get to live my one and only life with this grateful heart everywhere I go. I am so incredibly grateful to be alive.

End of scenes

OK guys I am back. So you see the difference in the 2 scenarios. The first man was so upset with everyone and with the entire situation. He figured that his life was over now and that all of his hopes and dreams dissapeared because of this event.

The second man was overjoyed that he was given another chance at life. He was so incredibly thankful to be alive again and to be able to inspire others, giving them a message of hope. He couldn't wait to hug his family again and tell others how much he loves and appreciates them.

The crazy thing about these 2 scenes, is that it was the exact same event. The exact same land mine experience happened to both of them, so why did they act so differently?

To answer that question, it is important to understand that these 2 men had very different perspectives on what happened. One viewed the situation in a negative light, and the other viewed it in a positive light. The difference here is massive!

Now, each of these men are going to live completely different lives, based on the way that they looked at their circumstances. I ask you friend, which perspective would you rather have. Which energy would you rather give off in this situation?

Perhaps you still have both of your legs, but I am sure that a seemingly negative circumstance has happened in your past. What did you do about it? How did you decide to act when it happened? Yes, bad things are going to happen in this world. But the good part is that we get to decide how we react to those circumstances.


I am in no way lessening the severity of certain events. Truly terrible and gut-wrenching things happen every day somewhere in the world. I am not belittling those events. But, I am here to say that we can decide how we want to view a given situation.

Not only that, but I believe we go through certain hard times in order to prepare us for our future. I believe that everything happens for a reason. Sometimes that reason isn't show to us during the storm and instead is revealed long after the event occurred.

Perhaps the reason that you went through that hard time is to help others who are going through that same circumstance. You went through that difficulty so that you can now empathize with another human being who is experiencing pain in their life.

Do not lose heart my friend. If you are going through a situation right now that is less than desirable and want to vent, then please feel free to comment below. I want to pray for you and encourage you.

I want you to experience more joy and happiness in your life. Please use this message as encouragement to shift your perspective so that your views can serve you in your life.

I love you friend, I care about you, and I wish you well as always.

Remember...You Are Awesome.

Take care.



P.S. I believe in you.

@kenmelendez (1).png

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