Pet-Care|Dog| Hiroko The Young Husky

This post is as participation for @kona's weekly pet-post in which this week's topic is for dogs.

Hiroko the husky - pet care

I can't share much to be honest as it is my brother @sulficio who does the big part in Hiroko's care when it comes to keeping Hiroko updated with the immunizations needed or with any trips to the vet.

It's been over a year that we enjoy this young husky's company since they moved in with us and in that time until now, we continously enjoy and learn everything about him. While my brother takes care of Hiroko's veterinary visits, often for trimming his nails, it is either him or sometimes my sister-in-law who takes Hiroko out for a walk. Walking Hiroko around here in our town homes area isn't that tough for my sister-in-law, well, considering there isn't any other dogs being around as well as Hiroko is a curious friendly young dog that gets excited to run over and makes friend.

For those who have big dogs, sometimes if not often, you're being walked by the dog I chuckled when I first heard about this as this is true. And Hiroko is no exemption. With his size, he could easily walk too fast dragging his human behind. Dog park is a treat too being a part of his pet care unleashing all that energy out with his other furry friends. But dog park visits means both his mom and dad, only my brother is strong enough, a match for Hiroko's energy and size.
Credit|Hiroko The Husky

👉Dog baths👈
One of Hiroko's favorite time. But unlike other breed of dogs, he takes less baths as taking frequent baths can dry out the natural oils from their furry undercoats.

👉Dog food👈
When it comes to food, Hiroko eats a protein rich dog food. Blue Wilderness is what he's been eating since, the one which is now for adults.

Warm weather means shedding time. Balls of furs in the living room or in different spot in the house. My brother brought home a comb one day to lessen the furs everywhere at home. A relaxing time for Hiroko having back rubs as his mom combs him off the shedding furs.
Credit|Hiroko The Husky

👉Fun Time👈
And last what I think is as important as the rest when it comes to caring for our pets, is the time we spend with them having fun - fun time. Ball time and hide and seek is what Hiroko's favorite activity with me. Not only healthy for him but for me as well with all that running around.
Game time ball time

That is all for our week's #petcare post entry for @kona who also does the #dailypetphotography.

Happy weekend everyone.

Posted May 05, 2018

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