Cat Food~貓糧

As a cat lover, how can you choose a suitable cat food for your cat? I think there are two type of main choice, one is the fresh food made by the feeder, the other one is buying the dry or wet cat food produced by the factory!

My family is not cooking, so I am the one who buy the cat food from the pet shop! In Hong Kong, we follow the trend of the traders, of course we will do many research on the web!

作為一個貓奴,你如何為貓貓選擇合適的貓糧? 應該有兩種主要的選擇,一種是由貓奴每天製作新鮮的食物,另一種是購買由食物製造工廠生產的干或濕貓糧!

我生活在無飯家庭,所以我是在寵物店在購買貓糧的! 在香港,我們會跟隨代理商的潮流去選擇貓糧,當然我們也會在網上做很多品牌的調查!

This is my cat "ごま" (GOMA)arrived home at two month! His mom's family give us a pack of Royal Canin kitten food, but we think this is not a good brand. So we buy a famous one kitten food for him. At the first day, his feces was a stick shape that means he is very healthy. The nightmare was coming at the second day, his feces is liquid, we decided to stop his meal. After a few days, the feces cannot form a solid state, we are very worried, so we go to buy the other brand for him. After changed 5-6 brand of dry cat food, also gave him the old one (the Royal Canin), his still make the liquid poo! OF course we bring him to see the vet, and they said may be the digestion of the English Short Hair is very weak. We try to give him the wet food!

這是我的貓“ごま”(GOMA)兩個月到家時的樣子! 他媽媽的家人給了我們一包(法國皇家)小貓貓,但我們認為這不是一個好品牌,所以我們為他買了另一包著名的貓糧。 第一天,他的糞便呈棒狀,意味著他非常健康; 第二天,噩夢便來臨了,他的糞便是液體,我們決定停止他的膳食了, 幾天后,糞便仍然不能形成固體狀態,我們非常擔心,所以再去為購買其他品牌的貓糧, 換了5-6品牌的貓糧後,也給了他原本的(法國皇家),他還是拉稀的! 我們便帶他去看獸醫,獸醫說可能是英短幼貓的消化系統未發育健全,所以 我們試試給他濕糧!

Lucky, after try the wet food, he had solid poo, but this can is not sold at usual pet shop, we need to order from some special supplier! Why I don't want to choose some famous brand such as Hills, Royal Canin that recommended by the vet? We all knew that the use of by-products in pet foods is to add extra income to food processors and farmers. We want to choose the most protein support for our kitten. There is a report from the US Whole Dog Journal every year, they will show you the material and the grade of all brands, here is the link if you are interesting to take a look:

幸運的是在進食濕糧後,他有了穩定的固體便便,但這種罐罐不可以在平常的寵物店裡購買得到,我們需要從一些特殊的供應商訂購! 為什麼我不想選擇獸醫推薦的Hills,Royal Canin等非常容易購買的品牌? 我們都知道,在寵物食品中使用副產品是為食品加工者和農民增加額外的收入, 我的小貓須要大量的蛋白質,而從美國全犬雜誌每年都有一份報告,會告訴你每款貓糧的成份以及評分,如果您有興趣看一下,請點擊以下連結:

Until he was one years old, We want him to try the dry food again. Because this cans are very trouble to order, so we choose the Orijen! When we felt very happy, after change to dry food his poo still keep the solid. After a few months, we find his urine is bloody! He drink water always, we bring him go to the vet at once. After doing all the test of the urine, the vet said we need to change the food, try the Royal Canin Urinary S/O. This one can buy at the vet only that can solve the crystal formed at the urine!

直到他一歲時,我們希望他再次嘗試乾糧,因為這個罐頭訂購非常麻煩,所以我們選擇了Orijen! 當時我們感到非常高興,因為改變乾糧後他的便便仍然保持是固體的。可是幾個月後,我們發現他的尿液有血, 他平常也會多喝水,我們立即帶他去看獸醫, 在做完尿液的所有測試後,獸醫說我們需要轉貓糧,嘗試法國皇家的配方糧, 這只能在獸醫那裡買到,可以解決尿液形成的晶體!

Now we keep to give him this special cat food helplessly, and we buy the urine care wet food for him too! We already didn't care about the brand, just healthy is enough!

So if you have any idea of cat food for your cat, please feel free to share with us!

現在我們無奈地只給他這種特殊的貓糧,也為選購一些保健濕糧! 我們已經不關心品牌,只是健康就夠了!


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