Dog food~狗糧

In different countries in different times, the food for dogs is also very different. How can I choose the dog food? I will share with you at here!

There are three main types of dog food in Hong Kong: human food, raw meat, and dry and wet food produced by factories.




[Human Food]
The street where I live has a garage and a Shar Pei dog. I usually walk freely around the street. The staff will give it a savory meal every day. I'm very impressed with this because I believe its owner was loved it so much. The dog wear a leather studded collar! Every day when I wait at the bus station, I will see it defecate. When I first saw it, I was shocked. It's poo was black in color and diluted! Dogs' stools tend to reflect their state of health and have not seen it in a few months later!

The meal given to humans is the oldest practice for dogs, but in fact, many dogs are not suitable for human food. Now there is a group of people who advocate healthy recipes. They choose their own ingredients and give them to dogs. The advantage is that it will have a good influence on the psychology of the dog. Dogs will be very happy to share things with you, and they can avoid eating foods that can poison them, and they can also control their weight. The downside is that it is necessary to calculate the nutrition needed for the dogs. Because many human foods are not able to get the necessary nutrition, it is very time-consuming. It is too difficult for me to have such a family without food!




[Raw Food]
In recent years, there is a group of dog lovers who advocate feeding raw meat to dogs. Hazel's golden-retriever friends also have raw fresh meat. Their owners buy frozen steak or frozen venison at a frozen meat shop every day. You just search for raw meat. There will be many benefits and disadvantages as soon as grain comes. Some manufacturers also sell bagged raw meat, such as K9!

I have not yet accepted raw meat. First of all, the price is too expensive. I am still in doubt as to whether the second is able to ingest balanced nutrition. Furthermore, it is too inconvenient to feed. It is too much trouble to thaw in advance!




【Dry and Wet Food produced by the factory】
There is a wide variety of dry and wet foods on the market. In some small-scale pet shops in Hong Kong, it is not possible to represent big name brands. Most dog friends will check the Whole Dog Journal daily. Rank to go shopping. My family Hazel was eating FROMM's puppies when she was a child. Afterwards, I changed Candidate's formula without cereals. In the last two years, I started to pay attention to the joints because of her age. So I chose AATU and I feel okay for the time being!

In my opinion, what is the proper dog food? Just after eating one or two bags will not be too fat or too thin just fine!

巿面上的乾、濕糧種類繁多,在香港一些規模較少的寵物店是不能夠代理大名牌的,大部份的狗友們都會每天檢查一下全犬期刊(Whole Dog Journal)的狗糧排名而去選購。我家Hazel小時候是吃FROMM的幼犬糧,之後轉過Candidate 無穀物配方,最近兩年因為年紀開始大要注意一下關節,所以選擇了AATU,暫時也覺得不錯!


Finally, let's talk about the following not allow to dog foods again: Do not eat chocolate, coffee, grapes/raisins, fish bones, pods, garlic, and onions!

最後,再一次說說以下的食物請勿給狗狗吃啊:朱古力、咖啡、葡萄/葡萄乾、魚骨、荳蔻、 大蒜及洋蔥!

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