Pet Care - Dog | 寵物保健 - 狗篇

I have dog walk twice a day, sometimes we will go to the park or swimming pool, I will do the following health care for her!


【Fleas and ticks prevention - 防蚤】

There are two type of medicine to prevent the fleas and ticks for dogs, one is apply in one spot at the base of the dog's neck in front of the shoulder blades. Usually people will use Frontline Plus!
The other one is wear a calf belt to prevent the tick fever, you must read the instruction clearly before you give those medicine to them!

Why prevent flea and calf?
Hong Kong and warm and humid weather make fleas and calves quite common throughout the year. They can lead to a series of skin diseases, sensitive symptoms and even severe anemia. Therefore, it is most important to prevent and control them.

有兩種類型的藥物可以防止狗的跳蚤和蜱蟲,一種是在肩胛骨前面的狗脖子底部的一個點上施用。 通常人們會使用Frontline Plus!

香港和溫暖濕潤的天氣使得跳蚤和小牛在一年中相當普遍。 它們可能導致一系列皮膚病,敏感症狀甚至嚴重貧血。 因此,預防和控制它們是最重要的。


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【Ear cleansing - 耳朵清潔】

I will use the cleanser to clean her ear at every week! Many fleas will hide inside the ear that the above treatments cannot kill them! I will bring her to have a bath at the pet shop every month, they will help to cut some hair at the ear or paws.


【Round & Tapewormer - 杜蟲】

I use Quantel to kill round and tapewormer for my dog! Just feed them once a month! I want to complain about all the pets medicine company, they are all non-sense to let us to cut off the pills into 1/3 or 1/4. How difficult to do that?


【Brush teeth - 刷牙】

I bought the tooth paste long long time ago, but still didn't start to brush her teeth! Her teeth still seems good, some of my friends dog are similar age with her, their teeth are all bad, they need tooth extraction at the vet.

我很久以前買了牙膏,但還是沒有開始刷牙! 她的牙齒看起來還不錯,我的一些朋友的狗年紀跟她相仿,牙齒都全爛掉了,他們需要了到獸醫那裡拔牙。

【Vaccination - 防疫注射】

The laws of Hong Kong stipulate that dogs 5 months old or older must receive rabies vaccination, implant microchips, and obtain licenses.

Dogs up to 3 months old, dog owners can apply for a license. The dog licence is valid for 3 years. If the dog owner continues to bred the dog after the expiration of the license, he should apply for renewal. The renewal of the licence only requires the injection of a rabies vaccination and no re-implantation of microchips is required.

香港法例規定,5 個月大或以上的狗隻,必須接受狂犬病防疫注射,植入微型晶片,以及領取牌照。

狗隻達 3 個月大,狗主便可以辦理牌照。狗隻牌照有效期為 3 年,如牌照期滿後狗主繼續畜養該狗隻,應申請續牌。續牌只需注射預防狂犬病疫苗,無須重新植入微型晶片。

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