Cat Food for Pet-Post Newsletter

A new initiative called #Pet-Post by @kona will help us share information about our pets. For more details click here

This week the theme is Cat Food.

When we first got our cat Furry, she was about four weeks old. I took her from the street and got no clue what would happen next. No idea how to feed her either. Of course I went to the vet to check her and for an advice how to feed her.
Following the vet's advise I started with special cat milk. It was powdered and we mixed it with water and fed her with syringe at the beginning. Gradually we started giving her pate and after couple of months she was able to eat tin food with small bits of meat. When she was three and half months old we started to give her biscuits for kittens.

To our surprise at the age of four months she showed signs that she was on a heat. The vet told us that this is normal for stray cats and we can spay her earlier than we thought. She is now 6 months old, spayed and her menu includes food for spayed cats as well. But because she is still growing we keep on giving her normal food as well. She is very active and we try to keep her engaged with games. I don't want my cat to be fat.


This photo is from today


This is a picture when she was about 3 months old

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And here is Furry when we rescued her. Four weeks old

The food plays great role to help the small kitten to become beautiful cat and to be healthy. The market offers huge variety of cat food. Cats, like us humans have their own preferences. Mine prefers some brands and she dislikes other. If I want to introduce a new food in her menu I try with little quantity and see how she will accept it or not.

Thank you for your time reading my post. Much appreciated. If you like to see more about Furry check my previous posts and stay tuned as more will come.

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