Pet Care - Dogs


We all know that having a pet comes with big responsibility. Dogs, cats or any other creature, they are relying on us to be fed and watered and to be looked after. Most important to keep them in good health.

Today I would like to share my experience with the vets and in particular with my dogs.

As you may know my dogs are Chinese Creasted. Penny is hairless and Jade - powderpuff.
We are lucky to live so close to the vet clinic, a walking distance from home. The vets are young and friendly but my dogs got hearts of rabbits and they hate the visits there.

Let me start from the beginning.

First visit

When we got them, Jade was at the age of 4, Penny (Jade's mother) - unknown age. The very first thing was to go to the vets. Both needed to be vaccinated and because it is a law to put them chips. Ever since we are regularly having the jabs each year. They have been registered in the vet clinic as well as in the local municipality and they have their own passports valid throughout the EU.

Random visits

Sometimes we faced problems that brought us straight to see the vets, like sickness. Since both dogs are clever enough to understand that we want to go to see the doctors they become stubborn and refuse to walk. But they are small breed and all we can do is to pick them up and carry them.

First year we had more problems with Penny's skin. The hairless dog sweats and the skin needs special care. Regular wash, moisturising, cleaning the black heads that appear constantly and preventing the sun burn in summer.

Regular visits

Apart from the jabs we are having regular checks and blood tests. The older they get more likely they will have problems that are expected for small breeds. One of them is the problem with the heart. For that reason another regular check is the ultrasound. Thanks for that check the heart of Penny appeared to start having some problems. We have a treatment will pills which will help to make the process slow down. According to our vet this heart problem is seen among the small breeds and unfortunately it comes with the age. As I mentioned before we have no clue how old Penny is. We can think about that she might have had puppies before Jade. So, if Jade now is almost 9 years old, Penny will be at least 11 years old.

Penny had once and Jade twice their teeth cleaned by the vet. The trouble with Jade is that she prefers more soft food. I have never seen them to chew any toy or shoe. We were advised not to give them bones because there is a risk of splinters they can swallow and this will cause huge problems.


Like us humans, our pets can have accidents. The only emergency visit that I recall was four years ago. Once Jade has just collapsed without any obvious reason. My friend took her straight away to the vets and they took immmediate meassures that brought her back. We never knew what cause her to collapse but she had very bad stomach. Possible she had eaten something from the ground, without we noticed.

I have to admit I visit the vets with my dogs more often than I see my GP doctor.

They love their walks. This photo is from today.


Thanks to @kona for creating the #pet-post.

Images taken with Samsung J5.


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