In the local language of Aceh is called "Bungong dara baro pajoh ranup" meaning in English the bride flowers eat betel, but not betel.

All these flower images I took with Nikon D3100 camera and with Nikon lenses as well as additional macro rings. I have tried to search from some sources on the internet but I have not been able to find the scientific name of this flower.


Taken with
Camera Nikon D3100
ƒ 5,6
Expoture time 1/125 sec
ISO 200
Focal Length 18 mm
Max apature 3.6
With Nikon lenses as well as additional macro rings.


Taken with
Camera Nikon D3100
ƒ 5,6
Expoture time 1/125 sec
ISO 200
Focal Length 18 mm
Max apature 3.6
With Nikon lenses as well as additional macro rings.


Taken with
Camera Nikon D3100
ƒ 5,6
Expoture time 1/125 sec
ISO 200
Focal Length 34 mm
Max apature 4.6
With Nikon lenses as well as additional macro rings.

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