The places a dog takes you - photo story


We're petsiting my mom's dog, a Pekingese named Thor. He's a real joy to be around. He loves walks and he is extremely friendly.


I read that Pekingese don't need a lot of activity but this one is a whole other story. He loves to be outside and would be out and about whole day long. We have to drag him back to the house.
We walk him about three to four times a day. The first morning walk is my responsibility and we go out early, around six AM.


I am not a walk person. I never was before kids and I only go out because of my kids. Which is bad. I know.
But I found a real joy in this early walks. I put on some music, Artic Monkeys or Of Monsters and Men and off we go.


Each day we go off the road to some different path or ally and boy did we get a treat today. I went of road to a small path that I tought led nowhere but all of a sudden we found this old abandoned house. I have no information about it.


I dont know how old it is or whom it belongs but it's really beautiful. My guess is it was some kind of military object because it's on a crossroads and both paths from there lead to abandoned military complexes.


It had some kind of a wide wall built around it and some olives planted beside. And the view of Šibenik from this spot is really nice.


But having a dog in our house and family led us to some other revelations besides abandoned houses. We were forced, all of us, to be more active. My kids are in much better mood and go to bed earlier and wake up earlier. It helps me get motivated for the day and we all know there is no better depression prevention than physical activity and owning a pet.


Now we are considering getting a dog. But that's a whole other post.


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