PetShots Contest #2 - Entry #1 - Bentley and Bethanny on the Couch

Bentley and Bethanny on the Couch.jpg

Our daughter lived with us through the last part of her pregnancy and stayed here for the about the first four months after she was born. Our dog Bentley loves hanging around with her when she's here.

Bentley is touchy with strangers and even worse with kids. Our neighbors let their kids shoot the dog with water guns through our fence when he was young. He never had a problem with Bethanny. When she came home from the hospital it was like she'd always been here. I suspect he could tell our daughter was pregnant and essentially she HAD always been here.

The first day Bethanny came home the baby's father was trying to change Bethanny's diaper and Bethanny started crying. Bentley nearly went after him. We heard a growl and the dog jumped up. We called him off and everything was fine but we all were surprised he would be like that with her when he'd only just seen her for the first time minutes before.

They are great friends now. She drops food for him (even though we try to discourage it). He shares his Kong chew toys with her. Again. we don't encourage that but damn is it funny to see your granddaughter come around the corner with a rubber bone in her mouth. Now that she's not teething she tries to play fetch with him and throws the rubber bones instead of chewing them.

Her latest thing is that she wants to BE a dog. We've had to stop her trying to eat from his bowl. We caught her on all fours trying to have a drink from his water bowl and sometimes she tries eating at the table dog style, head down and mouth in the bowl. Her mom is a little stressed by it. I just think it's hilarious. We caught her with his bone in her mouth again. This time she was just copying him carrying it around.

My wife I got this picture of Bethanny laying on the couch watching TV with the dog. She loves hanging out with her uncle Bentley.

PS: I edited this post to show that I took the picture. I was going to disqualify myself from the contest when my wife pointed out that I wrote that she took the picture but when I checked the EXIF data on the picture it was my phone and I was the one taking the picture. Sorry for the confusion folks. I'll try to get it together next time.

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