How I Started Drawing


I use my art in life. I use it to entertain myself. I use it to make other people happy. I use it to earn money. I use it to say my gratitude to other people. Indeed, it is very important to me.


When did I start to draw?

Of course, when we enter kindergarten or nursery, we were taught about the alphabet, colors, shapes, numbers and then just play. And the most exciting part was everything because play was integrated in all of these.

So, technically, that was the time when I started to draw - this may be true to you as well. We started with straight lines, curved lines, and shapes.


When did I really start to draw?

When I was on third grade, I had a bestfriend. His name is Julius. We sat next to each other because we were arranged according to our family names. He is a V and I am a Y.

He was very good in all subjects, he ranked 3rd and I was 6th. But his most notable mark was his inclination in drawing and sketching. He was very excellent at it, even if he was still on the 3rd grade. His name was like associated with the tag - "best in drawing"! He got a name and a title already at an early age!

One day, in our English class, we were given a blank bond paper. Our teacher told us to draw and write a sentence about it. The lesson was about verbs, we had to identify the verb in the sentence, then encircle it.

I looked at Julius. As soon as he received his bondpaper, he started right away. I looked at the blank page, and asked myself what to draw. But, no ideas came up, and I could also could not draw even if I had a better idea. I requested my friend to draw for me, he nodded, so I was relieved.

I wrote a sentence below to give ample space for my friend to draw. The sentence was: The lady is cleaning the house. I handed my paper to Julius so that he could start drawing. I was very grateful that he did the favor I was asking from him.

Our teacher announced that we needed to submit our outputs already. But, Julius was still not finished. Our teacher insisted that we had to submit our papers and then started to count down... Four... Three... Two... One...

I told Julius to pass my paper. And he did. I thanked him again. Then, our teacher stood in front to show our outputs... She would show the drawing and let the students read the caption.

She called my name and asked me to stand which I did. She said, "now we have an amazing drawing from Christian. Please, stand Christian... She continued, "Class, read the sentence below the sentence."

Our classmates read it aloud. After that, they started laughing hard and told me I am a jerk!

I was shocked. The caption of the drawing was, 'The lady is cleaning the house.' But, Julius did not draw a lady cleaning, he drew an old woman walking on the street.

I was very mad at Julius. He lied to me. He betrayed me. He pranked on me. I hated him!

Why would my bestfriend do that to me?
Why would he ridicule me?

Two weeks passed, I still didn't want to talk to him. I really hated him for what he did. He tried talking to me. I just ignored him even if I was seated beside him.

Then one day, he wrote a note and pasted it on my desk. The note said: I am sorry, Christian. I did that intentionally to teach you a lesson. You can draw! You just have to practice! Sorry!

Because of that note, we went to being bestfriends again. I also started to draw by myself and loved drawing from then on.

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