Dear Diary: My Plan for Tomorrow to the Doctor


This is as far as I can close my mouth so sipping soup and coffee is impossible and had gone to be a distant dream for me now

I could have gotten and took some laboratory examination for today but due to my mother which is keeping watch of my nephew to and from his school and me not conditioned enough to go to the laboratory clinic because of washed effects of analgesics to my body plus the run down effects of a medicine that I took yesterday aft my dialysis, I just decided not to go and do it tomorrow before going to the doctor.

I have to borrow my brother's cellphone camera so that I can take a photo of my rather torturous escapade to the laboratory clinic and the doctor's clinic. I will just pray not for it to rain but having a full sun is really not god to as it is also humid. I have all the burden of taking photos from the clinic and doctor's because both of my parents still live in the 60's and 70's, they are not techy enough to operate a camera phone but maybe I will try to teach them if i could get to borrow my brother's cellphone.

Armed with laboratory results and my hopefully cooperative back, I will go to the second endocrinologist which happen to have a clinic room beside the first endocrinologist that I first consulted. It is on the 4th floor of the Alta medical Bldg. at malolos. So if you happen to have the time, you can be there with me and take photos with me. The clinic starts at 2:30 in the afternoon. Don't bring me food that have to be eaten immediately as I can't eat normally. No kidding I just love food because of my normal appetite.

I am just taking this lightly but I know that it will be hard physically because I cannot walk easily and I have a stabbing pain which is not present before. Add to that the anxiety of people does to me when they are just so impolitely stare, I get too much of that and yo don't know how it feels even though I try not to mind it.

That will be my plan and my plan is set come rain or shine, another battle battle in my life. God and STEEMIANS in my right.

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