Project Proposal | SteemPH in Libertad National High School (Samal Island, Davao del Norte)


The beautiful Island of Samal was a big part of my life in Davao. Located two kilometers from the city proper, the Island Garden City of Samal, or simply "Samal", is considered to be in the Metropolitan Davao area. My family and I have celebrated numerous occasions in its pristine white sand beaches. It was also our favorite go-to place for long weekends. Remembering those times, I can almost taste the salty air and feel the fine sand on my toes. Those were happy times and I always look forward to a trip to those beaches whenever I get to visit my hometown. Last April, I was finally able to bring Red (@steemitph) and our daughter, Sam, to Samal and I'm glad they too enjoyed their experience there.

But who wouldn't love it?! Crystal clear waters, fine white sand, splendid sunsets, and an underwater ecosystem teeming with wildlife. These qualities have made Samal Island a vacation destination for locals and foreigners alike, paving the way for luxurious resorts that now line up its shores. Celebrities have been spotted enjoying Samal Island and boosting tourism, which is now a key driver for its budding economy.

There is a side of Samal Island though that is much less photographed and not known to many. Behind the captivating beauty of its beaches, there is poverty on the island that locals contend with in their everyday lives. Although I'm not entirely oblivious of this, I have only become more acquainted with their living conditions in the past few months. My brother recently passed all the exams required for him to become a public school teacher. June this year, he got assigned to Libertad National High School in Samal Island. The school is quite far from our home in Davao so he needs to stay at a transient house in Samal and only gets to go home during the weekends.

The School

Libertad National High School is located in Kaputian District of Samal Island. It started operation in June 2012 and is being managed by the Department of Education of the Philippines. This school year, they have 272 students from grades 7 to 12. They have 6 buildings; 2 of which are concrete and the rest are made from makeshifts made of Amakan as you may see in the pictures below.

Grade 7 classroom

Interior of the Grade 7 classroom

Principal's Office

Faculty Room

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Social Hall

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ICT Building

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Grades 9 to 12

But it doesn't end there. As dismal as the rooms may be, there's actually something more sinister that the students experience in their daily lives. My brother tells me that some of his pupils eat rice with sea salt for lunch. SEA SALT! Why would the students need to eat sea salt when there is so much land, where they can grow their food.

This was the point when I decided that I have to do something. WE have to do something.

My Family

Red and I are big fans of urban farming. There is so much hunger in the city because people don't find value in tilling the land anymore. We started our own facebook page hoping to influence friends and relatives to grow their own food. We were pleasantly surprised to find strangers from all over the world liking and following the page and as of this writing, it now has 785 members who share their best practices on growing vegetables. Some are even offering organic products that promise to boost crop production, while others simply want to share the pride they experience when they see the progress of their crop. @steemitph and I have been wondering how we can share the knowledge to a bigger audience; I believe Libertad National High School is the perfect place to start.

SteemPH is explicit with their goals: build communities and enrich lives. I was able to participate in one of its outreach activities last September. My kids and I spent a whole day with kids with special needs in Project Alinaga's Art and Music Therapy session in Caloocan, Manila. Red was there too and was able to participate in another project, this time in Dasmarinas Cavite with La Salle students and out of school youth. SteemPH is a non-profit organization with a team of selfless, tireless, passionate individuals who are a joy to work with. Their zest to achieve the organization's aim is a sure way to make this project a success.

What We Want To Achieve

The end goal is simple. Equip students with knowledge and materials that can help them in their everyday struggle for food. I believe introducing #homesteading to kids is a good way to start. They can make use of their own yard and put healthy food on their table for themselves and their family. From what I've gathered, the soil in that island is as fertile as the one in Davao so I have full confidence that they will successfully grow the crops we will introduce to them

This seminar will also provide the opportunity for us to present Steemit to the dedicated educators in the school. With their knowledge and expertise, I am sure they have valuable contributions that they can share with everyone. And think about what they can pick up from this awesome platform and pass on to their students! Imagine those young minds in that remote area of the island being exposed to what the rest of the world is like. Opportunities, which are so very scarce in their lives, will be made available to them. That's what the blockchain is about, isn't it?

Below is the raw proposal I've submitted to #SteemPH. It includes the schedule of activities and materials we might need. The date is still tentative because the school has yet to release their schedule for 2018. This proposal will also be presented to the school principal so that they can start driving participation. We will ask them to arrange a registration for the students who might want to join the seminar and get a headcount. I'm hoping that some of the parents can get involved too.


I, together with my family, will be visiting the school in April. Red and I will conduct the homesteading seminar and will personally hand out the materials that we will be able to accumulate. If you wish to be a part of this campaign, leave a comment below or join the Philippine discord channel (link below). All rewards will be used to fund this project.

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