How Is The Growth of Steemit Posts Today? - Steemit Business Intelligence


How much is Steemit growing when it comes to top-level posts? Which is the most profitable tag in the Philippine community? And how much is each word worth in Steemit?

This is a collation of all the reports I was able to gather in the few weeks that I've joined the #bisteemit.

How Much Has Steemit Grown?

Before moving into the details, I always want to see the big picture. How has been the posts here in Steemit? Is it growing?

I also want to limit my scope to the top-level posts because it's the one that basically triggers comments from others.

Let's look at the data.

We can see here that there has been a decline in the number of top-level posts since August and September. Looking at the posts for October, we may see that decline too. This most probably is due to the downtimes that happened to this month.

An Indicator of Growth

One indicator I look at is resiliency - when the overall trend is going down, which community is moving the opposite?

That is what I see in the number of posts in the Philippine community - even though there was a decrease in the number of posts in August, September, and October in Steemit as a whole - the Philippine community moves the opposite and posts continue to increase from month to month.

Let's look also into the Japanese community, one of the communities close to me.

We see that they have peaked last August with 3,670 posts. Then slightly went down to 3,245 in September, and currently stands at 2,256 for October. There may be a lot of factors that may have contributed to the decline, and one thing I can see for the Japanese community to grow is by increasing their user base. (The number of registered users in Japan is outside the scope of this analysis)

Putting It Together

Just to have an idea of the three communities together - Steemit as a whole, #japan, and #philippines - let's have a combination of all the charts.

The Most Profitable Tags

Now that we have an idea of the post trend for the Steemit as a whole, the Japanese, and the Philippine community, let us now look into the tags they use. Which tags contribute to this growth? What is the Philippine community talking about?

Due to the vast amount of data that needs to be analyzed, I'm limiting the scope of data to only include data from July 1, 2017.

Steemit Profitable Tags

Before zooming into the Philippine community, let's look at the big picture of what the most profitable tags in Steemit are.

From the looks of it, the highest paying tag is dtube-shootings with $187.83. Here's the Top 10 in tabular format.

tagpost counttotal payout valueave. payout per post

Let's exclude tags that have less than 10 posts under it.

This gives us reportsfromthewitnesses as the top-earning tag with $33.74 per post. Here's the top 10 in tabular format.

tagpost counttotal payout valueave. payout per post

Again, if you want to participate in these tags, make sure that the content of your post is relevant to the tag you're using.

Philippine Most Profitable Tags

Now that we've looked into the most profitable tags in Steemit as a whole, let's look zoom into the Philippine community. What have they been talking about these past few months?

I've looked into the 30 and 90-day durations and gave me the same picture.

First, the 30-day chart:

Next, the 90-day chart:

What I wanted to highlight here is not the number of posts, but the profitability of the tag that you use in the Philippine community. Thus, the size of the bubble here emphasizes that the #untalented tag is the most profitable tag with an average post payout of $5.71.

If you want to write your version of #untalented, look at this post by @surpassinggoogle.

How Much Is Your Word in Steemit?

Now that we've looked at the overall trend of posts, the most profitable tags, let's now look into how much each of your word is worth.

Again, due to the amount of data that is available, I have limited the scope of data for this analysis to the last 24-hours.

The tag with highest-paying $ per word is the tag dtube-life with $ 0.1382 per word.


That sums it up. The overall top-level posts is in a slight decline for the last 3 months, but there are communities that are resilient and have a trend going against the overall trend of Steemit as a whole.

We also looked at the most profitable tags here in Steemit, keeping in mind that if you do choose to write using these tags that you write content relevant to the tags you use. One of the profitable tags in the Philippines is #untalented by Terry.

And lastly, we've again looked into $ value of each word in Steemit depending on the tag used. We found out that the tag with the highest word payout is dtube-life.

I am part of a Steemit Business Intelligence community. We all post under the tag #bisteemit. If you have an analysis you would like carried out on Steemit data, please do contact me or any of the #bisteemit team and we will do our best to help you...

You can find #bisteemit on discord -


Data retrieved from steemsql by @arcange.

Image Sources: [1]

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