Unveiling the Hidden Paradise, Cape San Agustin


Wild. Untamed. Breathtaking. The four-hour ride from my hometown paid off when we saw how beautiful this place was.
Canon 12000D, 1/125 or 1/200, f3.5 55mm kit lens, ISO 100

I missed you, Steem!

I was unable to post some blog for the past the few days due to my school works and film production. But no one can stop me from sharing some great things here on Steemit! This time I'm sharing one of my trip in Davao Oriental, Cape San Agustin. My friend invited me to their family trip last two years and it was a blast! Let's start!


In a very remote area at Lavigan, Governor Generoso, Davao Oriental, Philippines lies the dwelling of these photos which were taken last 2016. Back then, I was lucky to see the underdeveloped tourist spot because that means that I get to see its natural beauty. And it's perfect as it is.


Last year, I was so happy to see the place finally featured on one of our local tv station. The Mayor of the place initiated to improve the spot and even released a promotional video on social media. It's not just the place but also its history that makes it more attractive. Though I can't remember it by details; they've posted trivial facts about the place in different stations within its vicinity. More and more people are enticed to visit the place. And as one of the first of people who visited the site, I'm gonna share three main reasons why I'm looking forward to coming back.



It's a great place to clear out your mind. As a beach-lover, the waves instantly calms me down from the stressful city life. I've heard that the caretakers added some hammocks on the cliff near the lighthouse. Just imagine there sitting at night watching a blanket of starry sky with your loved ones. Ugh. What a concept.



You can buy seafood freshly harvested or caught by the residing settlers of the place. It's such an experience to see the seafoods in buckets and be able to negotiate with its sellers which they always give for a cheaper price than those in the market. I don't know about you guys; but I can really taste the difference of fresh raw meat and seafoods from the frozen ones. And it's always more delicious specially because we used to eat with bare hands in province. It's not just the food but also the bond we share with the whole family which makes the moment magically... perfect.



The residents and caretakers are hospitable. Since the development of the site is on process, I have seen how much the caretakers are helping out to provide tables, chairs, drinks and assistance for the visitors even in extending to ask for neighbors on what they do not have. You can see how much they take pride of the place and their effort of preserving it. As a tourist, you'll feel the same urge to love the spot the way they do.

Philippines remains to be one of the richest biodiversity in Southeast Asia. What's more surprising is that, year after another, it seems like more and more islands are getting appreciated by local and foreign tourists. For me, this is helpful both in preserving its natural beauty while giving job opportunities for its residents at the same time. Truly, it's more fun in the Philippines!


Thank you for reading! Please do support Cape San Agustin by visiting this wonderful place!

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