ART OF THE SELF-TAUGHT (Notes to self)


In some ways, we are all learning one thing or the other, life itself is a learning experience but when it comes to individual skills acquisition, there are some disparities. Some people acquire their skills through formal means and education while others go through a more personal route.

According to websters dictionary; Self-taught is defined as having knowledge or skills acquired by one's own efforts without formal instruction source

What really inspires one to become self-taught, It depends on different factors, but the most common reason is the lack of resources in acquiring a formal education.

If everyone could afford a teacher to teach and break down a skill for us I'm sure that most people would opt for a formal education.

Such type of lack can also breed Inspiration to becoming self-taught, some people actually push themselves to learn on their own, such type of persons get to find resourcefulness in themselves.

Another factor that inspires one to become self-taught is talent, having a natural ability to perform a skill without any formal guardiance.



Being a self-taught artist myself, I have realized that there are some qualities and disciplines most self-taught persons possess.

The ability to roll your sleeves and face your craft.

The self-taught have this realistic look on life, not depending on anyone to hold your hand or push you towards excellence.

When it comes to skill-acquisition, this is one of the most crucial qualities of the self-taught. The self-taught is able to use this ability to learn.


Creativity and copying might sound like a taboo to the creatives but when it comes to the learning process, this is one of the resources that the self-taught uses.

The ability to look at a masterpiece and try to recreate or mimic it, breaking down the process and getting into the shoes of the originator can sprout a great learning experience.

For instance, when learning to play the guitar, A self-taught guitarist instead of practicing a bunch chords, is more likely to listen to a great sample, learn those chords and techniques and add it to the library of knowledge.

The self-taught also have the ability to copy and soak in skills from different sources and inspirations, mixing it internally and creating a something different and original.

Formal education mostly relies on a well-founded theory before even talking about practical but the self-taught has the ability to dive in head first into the unknown with little to no theory.

In formal education, theory often leads to practical but to the self-taught, there is no dividing line.

During the learning process, the self-taught will often time find his/her self toggling between practical and theory. switching between both modes when it's needed.

The self-taught is also able to tap into the potential of being unique. It's only natural because the self-taught doesn't follow the traditional mode of learning.

The self-taught is not bounded by most of the traditional rules in formal education, so it tolerates a more free environment to create something new and unique.

Are there any self taughts in the building, what do you think about this?

Thanks for reading friends.



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