
Ever since the beginning of time, humans have always sort wisdom from higher forms through different mediums, defining a form of higher power was undeniably part of our cultural evolution. Throughout different cultures and societies there arose different mentions of god, gods or entities that watch over their affairs.


We developed a need for spirituality and mysticism in the ever-changing chaotic world. It became easy to reconcile uncontrollable event to a supernatural known or unknown force.

For example; It was easy to explain famine or drought as a result of some force or deity in the sky.

Because of our highly developed sense of self, consciousness, and ego, it's easy to assume that someone out there is watching out for us. The sense and feeling that we are special and not alone in the vast cosmos.

Oracles were developed as a means of communication with a higher library of wisdom, think of it as google search engine for early humans. Oracles served as a widely accepted medium to a higher information or insight to the surrounding world.



Surely you can already see the importance and roles that oracles and traditional religion played in the ancient times.

Imagine several disputes that were settled with consultation with oracles by our early ancestors.

Even till today, oracles in form of spiritual leaders and priests are still consulted in order to satisfy our spiritual needs.

I believe there are a lot of parallels between the ancient world and the modern one. the foundations of society have already been set a long time ago. the only thing that is constant is change, several elements have been exchanged for modern ones.



The topic of oracles had me thinking about an equivalent Oracle in the modern age.

What is the most widely accepted form or medium of communication with a library of knowledge? The only hypothesis I could come up with is the internet.

Taking a moment of self-reflection I could see how I've used the internet as an oracle in many areas of my life.

I can remember how many arguments that were settled by a google search, how I queried on the internet for information to satisfy my curiosity and ignorance.

During my search and consulting my "internet oracle" for some supporting arguments I came across a term called syntheism

Syntheism is the philosophy that says religion in it different forms will never go away.

Since there is always a need to define god or a higher power in varying forms, then the modern man in the 21st century needs to do away with the old definitions of god or gods but move on to new definitions as it appeals to the modern age.

Such philosophy reminds me of the fictional movie series, American Gods. In which old gods are gradually being replaced by new ones.


There is a bold fraction of the syntheism movement spear headed by Alexander Bard which even goes further to say that the Internet can be classified as a god.

Based on characteristics such as Omnipresence (the internet has the potential to be everywhere around the globe, given the technological improvements in satellite technology. The internet will not be restricted to cable technology alone).


Omniscience - The internet is vast with tons and tons of knowledge.

Omnipotent - The internet does have a great deal of power, ability to relay information in light speed connecting millions of people together and being a library of knowledge is a formidable power.

Also, applications such as blockchain technology and uploading artificial intelligence to the internet will only make the internet more powerful in coming years.

Could the internet qualify as a god or an oracle, I think there are very convincing arguments to support that, what do you think?

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