Done Is Better Than Perfect At The End of The Day


You’ve heard that “how you do anything is how you do everything”, but I say don’t worry about how well you do anything at first. To do something, even poorly, is better than to do nothing.

Like the Tragically Hip song Wheat KIngs says: “Twenty years for nothing, well, that's nothing new. Besides, no one's interested in something you didn't do."

There is great power in the doing of a thing.

Especially if you learn something from it.

You can obsess about how well you will do something and you will never do anything. Better to get the darn thing done somehow and fuggedaboudit! You’ll know how to do it better next time!

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” Mark Twain

Do something. Do anything. Rather than nothing. Soon you will be doing anything and everything well! And someone will be interested in what you do.

image - Pixabay

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