Who are we? Where did we come from? Where are we going? What is our Place in the Universe?

universal consciousness

We are whoever we say we are

This is what I like to say. Our decisions, and choices determine our future and who we are. It is our choice to be who we want to be. Everyone has a talent, a skill something that makes them into the person they are. We just have to find it. Just don’t try to be who the system wants you to be, otherwise you will live a very shallow and unfulfilled life. Our consciousness connects us to the universe and is part of the universe. Therefore the universe is part of us as well.

We technically are children of the universe

We came from the simplest of elementary particles and through time and evolution we became human beings aware of ourselves and perhaps consciousness is more than a simple thing that each person experiences individually, it could be universal and as much as a part of the universe as E=mc2.

The future of humanity is currently unknown.

As long as we endeavor to enrich humanity through science, education, and free thinking we will continue to grow as a race and reach for the stars. Maybe the next step in human evolution will be engineered by ourselves. We could easily be the first species to determine the next steps in our evolution. Perhaps we could figure out how to transfer our consciousness back into the universe and understand everything.

Our place in the universe is a very special place

We have the ability to understand, and observe the universe from our own point of view. A good question is whether the universe would even exist if there was nobody to observe it. I believe with quantum mechanics it is proven that everything is a wave of possibilities until an observer is put into place. Without us, the universe may not even exist at all, and without the universe we would not exist. Therefore we are a cohesive unit, the universe, and the observer.

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