A lucid Lucifer elucidating? (An etymology post!)

So.. A random word popped into my head the other day during conversation. It was elucidation.

I got curious and looked up the etymology and I was kind of surprised.
It led me to look up Lucid also, which.. Was a fascinating discovery.

Lucid essentially sort of means the same as the word/name Lucifer.

When someone asks if you're like awake or okay, they often use the word "lucid"..
Or, we sometimes refer to dreams that are very realistic as "lucid dreams".

So.. Does that sort of mean that clearness of thought and being present and alive sort of equate with Lucifer on some level?
Does wakefulness and alertness and existence essentially translate into Lucifer in some way..?????

Wow. This is one of those etymology ones that just kinda changes how I look at things a bit.. And one which I'm surprised I've never heard anyone else mention before!

The word for being clear minded and present roughly translates into the same meaning as Lucifer.. Wow.
Below will be the modern definition and then the ancient one.


easily understood; completely intelligible or comprehensible:
a lucid explanation.

characterized by clear perception or understanding; rational or sane:
a lucid moment in his madness.

shining or bright.

clear; pellucid; transparent.

And now the etymology of the word lucid.

1590s, "bright, shining" (a sense now obsolete or restricted), from Latin lucidus "light, bright, clear," figuratively "perspicuous, lucid, clear," from lucere "to shine," from lux (genitive lucis) "light," from PIE root *leuk- "to shine, be bright."

Sense of "easy to understand, free from obscurity of meaning, marked by intellectual clarity" first recorded 1786. Lucid interval "period of calm or temporary sanity" (1580s) is from Medieval Latin lucida intervalla (plural), common in medieval legal documents (non est compos mentis, sed gaudet lucidis intervallis, etc.). The notion probably is of a period of calm and clear during a storm. Related: Lucidly; lucidness (1640s).

Now let's look at the etymology of Lucifer as well.

Old English Lucifer "Satan," also "morning star, Venus in the morning sky before sunrise," also an epithet or name of Diana, from Latin Lucifer "morning star," noun use of adjective, literally "light-bringing," from lux (genitive lucis) "light" (from PIE root *leuk- "light, brightness") + ferre "to carry, bear," from PIE root *bher- (1) "to carry," also "to bear children." Venus in the evening sky was Hesperus.

So.. Light bringer = Lucifer and bright/shining = Lucid.

It's not an exact match, as one seems to imply a bringing of light and the other is just light itself.
However.. I'm almost positive there's a connection there and I think the words are very much related and probably come from the same root word. Which I'm guessing is "lux"?
Which also happened to be my nickname my friends gave me when younger because it was a shortener version of "Lucky" which was my callsign online.

Another variant of Lucifer is "Luke" think Star Wars.. and What was his last name in the movie? "Skywalker".. Like the sun. A brightness that walks across the sky.
Lucifer the Skywalker. The bringing of the light across the sky.. Okay I kinda feel like I'm rambling now, lol..
Anyways.. I think this was a fascinating little discovery and hopefully someone else finds it interesting too!

It seems like Lucifer is found all over the place and people don't even know it!
It's in the name "America" it's on our money, hidden in language and math and religion.
If you look really hard you can find signs of Lucifer abundantly in our world, yet most people don't even realize the money they use, the name of their Nation or the name of some of their favorite heroes are based off of such.

So.. I guess the question is.. Is Lucifer a misunderstood hero? Or, is this allsome kind of Satanic plot to quietly hide the dark lord throughout the world right in front of everyone's faces? To the point even the Christians who oppose him are naming their children after him and using his money and entertainment.

The world may never know, and I certainly don't pretend to know.. But I like to try to keep an open mind to the possibilities! Cheers and may your soul burn bright like a lucid lucifer elucidating. :D

DQmRbrebCFZ5sNyiWRYWA8iPhB3trvtA8RMMxjq4WyZLFMq_1680x8400.jpgArtwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and instagram

PS.. Once again this image being included here does not mean this post is related to the IFC, I just want to include an image so people will be more likely to click on the blog link. And.. Since this is a artistic representation of me and my character in the IFC, I feel like it can sort of apply to almost anything I post and I will probably use it more often to sort of just try to represent myself visually.

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