Am I Intelligent or Am I Just Stupid? 💡

Many people brand people as being intelligent or stupid but how do you define each one of them?


What People Grasp Towards To Define Intelligence

People tend to focus on things like grammar, punctuation and spelling but if anything they are of little importance to me, as long as I am able to get my point across. I don't think it is the best to focus on grammatical mistakes so they can exhibit their intelligence.

Sometimes people may find it difficult to communicate what you are saying to someone else. Although there are some concepts that no other people get. However, if you find sometimes difficult to communicate you should be branded as stupid.

In most cases, difficult concepts are equally difficult to transmit to people. There are also people that have everything very clear in their minds but are horrible at transmitting ideas but I think it is the mind where true 'intelligence' is defined and not in other external factors.

I don't think any of this is related to being smart or stupid though. In my personal experience, it is better to treat people as if they were not stupid, but ignorant, when talking to them about something, as I believe that if you have their ignorance in mind, you will be able to transmit the idea more clearly.

Communication can work in the favour of branding someone as dull minded as someone could clearly see through someone's illogical statement if they communicate it in a manner which makes it unequivocally wrong.

My Personal Experiences Of This

One time I had a problem with my lights so I called an electrician. The guy saw the problem, and when I requested an explanation he gave a detailed answer, but I didn't understand a thing.

In this scenario I don't think I am stupid, but nor do I think he was stupid either. What I believe is that he mistook me for someone familiarised with electrical installations and the terminology he would use is something that exceeds the understanding of a layman.

I remember this happening when I was younger and more concerned about my weight. I would always look at the fat content for foods and my friends they would ask me something about some nutritional contents of foods I always have in mind they are ignorant about the issue and my job is to make them understand it. In summary, I take my friends as equals, not pupils, hence my explanations for them are unconsciously worse than my explanations to my students. I'm not saying ignorant in a way where I think I am superior but there are subjects and fields where people excel in and others don't.

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