Why The Golden Rule Sucks

Yeah I know everyone said this rule is something we should follow but hey guess what, it’s not really good for us! Yes you read that right. It sucks, big time. It can make everyone monsters, unconsciously, mind you. You’d think it’d be helpful but it’s not.

♦ What is this Rule? ♦

The golden rule states:

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

This kind of takes us back to the Middle Ages where “An eye for an eye,” and “A tooth for a tooth,” was the way of life. Even Confucius who lived in the ancient times agreed with everyone else by “creating” the Silver Rule, as Wikipedia calls it. Even if it’s the positive or negative version it’s all the same to me. It’s still kind of barbaric.

The Silver Rule:

What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others.

It is also called the Law of Reciprocity which I've never heard of until Wikipedia.

If you read the Bible, Matthew quotes Jesus using this rule. But Jesus’ time has passed and i don’t think it should still be used as it is being used now. People are abusing it rather than using it for the good of all mankind so let me tell you what I think about it.


♥ Point # 1 ♥

The Golden Rule Makes People Vindictive

Guess what, I'm not the only one who thinks this is bad for us, go look around the web or YouTube and read the Wikipedia article on The Golden Rule.

The Golden Rule, or the Silver Rule whichever you want to call it, makes people vengeful. The old me would say, "Go figure," but the me now is better at giving examples so let me give you some.



Let's say someone treated you badly, like your friend backstabbed you. Because they backstabbed you, you will backstab them as well! Or let's say, you were in line at the concert or bank or somewhere else and then someone cuts in line in front of you. Because that person did it to you, you will do it to others as well on a different occasion! Now of course these examples may seem juvenile but this happens in real life even to adults! Admit it, in our lives we get to see this happens a lot. We see this happening anywhere we are.

Imagine if someone got killed, like the wars in this world, if one side decides to retaliate then more people will bomb each other because hey, they got bombed, so the other one will bomb the bomber too! See what I mean? Imagine if all politicians and world leaders think like that, what will happen to our planet?

Oh hey wait, here's the perfect example: The Steemit Flag Wars.

As you can see this is kind of a manipulative rule and people use it for their own good rather than for everyone’s gain. Ideally it’s a great rule to follow, but we all know we’re not living in an ideal world. If you live in the suburbs it MIGHT be okay, but if you’re in a city I don’t think it’s good for anyone. Usually people are more cut throat in cities than in rural areas, but that can be another hasty generalization.



It’s about time we have a new and better rule; one that’s much better and peaceful or something. That better rule can be found further below.

Years ago I didn't really think about what would be better, all I know is the Golden Rule sucks big time. This was why I stopped using it as my life motto a decade or so ago. It’s not because I read about it somewhere or someone told me about how it sucks but I just realized it’s not really good for me and everyone else around me.

You should know why people still shove this rule in everyone’s faces all the time. It’s because people are blinded by this rule that they think they know what they’re doing when they actually don’t! People are actually unconsciously doing the opposite of the golden rule. I used to have this as my motto when I was younger but I realized it made me vengeful. I also know of some people who still has this motto as a way of life. They do the bad things in retaliation to you because apparently you did bad to them (even if you unintentionally did it without your knowledge, that's no excuse) because hey, golden rule right?

Should you continue to use it in your daily life? Well, read on so you can decide.



My point is most people misuse and distort it into vindictive situations, which makes it suck. As common folks, the abuse of this rule is something that must be realized by people on their own. If one is more enlightened and aware of the self, this abuse may very well not happen at all. And of course i don’t follow suit anymore as to how other people use the golden rule. It’s just irritating and saddening at the same time because ideally it should be used for the good of everyone. I'm definitely way better off without it as my life motto ever since I've realized it's negative effect.

Of course the good way to use this golden rule is to not do wrong to others. That is the right way of following this rule. Even politicians would agree to using it but are they really using it the right way and applying it in real life?


High profile celebrities like Oprah and other famous philanthropic or known people are careful of what they share and say in public so they will most likely talk more of the good in people and perpetrating only the goodness. If the golden rule is applied by them then perhaps there won't be any vengeful thoughts and actions arising out of what personally happens to them. No one wants to be bashed by the online mob right? So a celebrity and even politicians better do good in public and be a good person or else. Lol.

♦ Point # 2 ♦

People are Different So the Golden Rule is Ineffective

So what do we do if the golden rule sucks? Here's a great suggestion. Watch the video below.

For you to understand more about the Golden Rule, check this other video so you can decide for yourself if this rule is really worth to keep as part of your life or if it's time to discard it.

Even known philosophers, like Immanuel Kant and Friedrich Nietzsche have objected to the golden rule. There will always be people who will defend it but for me I have stopped using it years ago. Want to know if this rule is someone's motto in life and if they are using it negatively? Look for the vindictive people and then as an afterthought perhaps you can add and observe the ones who are always saying (indirectly or not), "Life is unfair."

As the first video suggests, it is best to do the Platinum Rule instead.



Or better yet, just don't harm other people or creatures and don't bother with this famous rubbish rule.

So there you have it. Are you now more aware of what I'm talking about? Let me know in the comments.



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© Art x Stephanie Rue

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