Does Good Content Mean You Have More Chance At Success?


I was in a discussion on another platform about how someone was frustrated with their good content not being picked up by readers.

I'm talking books by the way.

The question was asked 'Am I naive in thinking that good content means bestselling books?'

In was an interesting conversation. My take on it is this, remember I am just staring out so my perception is on research and limited experience.

First of all sometimes it doesnt matter about the simpleness of a book.

Look at 50 shades of grey (I am not a fan of the story line) but the book read well to me although it was heavily critised for being poorly written.

But look how many books were sold...

My point is that everyone is different an not every reader is a writer. Not everyone has a red pen at the ready to critique.

My plan to get my books noticed is to try to do my best with the resources I have and to research hard to get a good marketing strategy. This is my plan.

Be confident in my writing
Research anything
Dont feed the haters
Stay positive
Market like crazy

Of course each bit of that requires alot of detail and time and I plan to share my experience with you.

So, Does Good Content Mean You Have More Chance At Success?

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