*Know Thyself,,, And Play Music.* ~Philosophy With Brado

I Believe To my soul...

The very nature of life and reality is the permanence of change. One moment a person may feel on top of the world and then the very next second they may feel and have a state of mind in which no one would ever want to exist in. Reality is shrouded in illusion many more times then none. We are always perplexed, misinformed, baffled, befuddled, mislead, muddled, disoriented, flustered, distracted, dazed and well... confused. This universal bamboozle is due to a massive miscommunication by more or less every piece of matter known and unknown to oneself.

We as humans do what we can to try and help each other out in day to day life, and it may seem like we're doing alright, but really that is just a fallacy. The point of reality is to learn how to communicate to better learn about the world you live in. As the world you live in is a projection of mind. Everything IS energy interacting. The universe is mental. It's hard to call anything true or real with this realization. Certainly there exists an ideal perception and if achievable this perception would allow one to comprehend perfection as well as grandiose ideas such as justice, love, truth and the concept of real and not real. This perception however is completing communication on all levels and would be a very different "state of mind".

Using music I am able to elevate my state of mind and better communicate with hard to reach emotions, memories, feelings and ideals. This is my method of using mental space to affect my "reality" actively. I am able to share a deep connection to my mind and am able overcome the bewildered state that a human being often finds themselves in. I have communicated and expressed myself and in return I feel calmed, and very much alive. These states of mind only intensify and develop as we grow older and utilize them. Much like every other skill and piece of knowledge we gain we need to practice and maintain our will. We only have ourselves and the world we are able to understand and interact with. Music is just the medicine to help man remedy his communication breakdown.

*Canadian, 22 years and still thinking. * psychedelic_peace_sign_stickers-p217582589258020992b2o35_400.jpg



(A re-post because no one saw it the first time)

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