People are constantly trying to use imagination to perform analytical logical reason when in fact it is not possible to do. Logic and reason have this in common with real math and our reasoning mind. That is that in math the functions + , -, x, and / that is adding, subtracting, multiplication and division, in order to work, must be a representation of the conditions you are describing. Just as the functions have to have the integers be related to the something so does your analytical mind have to have a something to work.
So 10 x 10 = 0
How do we fix this problem. We insist on writing the something into the equation. Like the following.
So 10 Pens x 10 Pens = 100 Pens.
What is the proper use of your imagination?
trusting imagination when using logic and reason is a very bad idea.
Was this done on purpose?
Honesty requires that I tell you I see this with no problem, because I always insist on writing the something into math equations. Logically and Reasonably there is no way for me to know if it was done on purpose, because one cannot use logic nor reason on their imagination and has to be present to the conditions in order for it to be based on reality. It just doesn't work.
Doing so will create the condition of not concluding from reality and so I wouldn't even attempt it. So don't pollute your analytical mind with mathamagic!However honesty requires me to also tell you that I cannot think of any way our logical and very reasonable ancestors could have not known this could happen. I can't even imagine a way in which this could happen by accident. It doesn't mean however that it was done on purpose. Personally I don't believe in coincidence however because I have noticed that in most cases one can find the reason if they dig hard enough. Another post I wrote you might find of interest is Getting closer to the slave trading owners.
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