How Your Desires Can Cause You to Suffer


I invite you now to think about a few of your main desires in life and also to think about why you want these things.

A lot of the time, people’s desires stem from a place of perceived lack or insecurity and they falsely think that the fulfillment of their desires would make them happy. The fulfillment of your desires does not solve the underlying issue which is the minds conditioning and the beliefs that you hold about yourself and the world around you. Anything attained in your external reality would only give you temporary relief from the mind because the root cause of the desire which is usually a deluded belief, would still be in place.

We live in such a materialistic world that it would be near impossible for children growing up not to become victims of deluded beliefs and conditioning associated with material goods.

For example, if a child grew up in a family that lives day by day in any big city in the world, they would only have to look around them to see fancy cars and luxury houses (which they don’t have). This could easily lead to a desire for luxurious items coupled with a feeling of sadness or in-adequateness due to the lack of having such things.

There are many different forms and ways that the mind gets conditioned/programmed and this is an example of one. Now the more that child puts their attention on this ‘lack’, the stronger it gets and the more they would suffer as a result of the associated feeling of sadness.

People blindly chase their desires thinking that they will make them happy but they won’t. On the contrary, it is their desires that are taking away from their happiness. Without them they would be more connected and less distracted from their natural feeling of well-being.

To free yourself from you’re the suffering of your desires, you must become aware of how they affect your mood and how they cause certain feelings to arise within you. When you are aware of these things, you can detach from the thoughts and feelings associated with the desire and allow it to fade away.

It is natural for us to aspire for betterment and improvement in our lives and we would not suffer as a result of this, it is the deluded nature of the beliefs that we need something exterior in order to be happy that causes this suffering.

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