The Double-Slit Experiment, And The Implications Concerning This Reality


Anyone familiar with the double-slit experiment knows that observational energies somehow affect the functioning of matter converting particles from a super-position within a wave to breaking down to acting like what would be expected from a single particle being shot out of a cannon. The findings lead to the realization that we are somehow affecting matter by the simple act of observation. So, what are observational energies?

Below, is a video that will explain the concepts I am covering concerning the double-slit experiment. The actions I am focusing on are the observational energies which are created at the moment of observation.

How does conscious observation affect matter? Why are we the only conscious observers? These are all questions you have to ask yourself when attempting to make any conclusions based on the topic. Matter, in this case, seems to display consciousness itself. It reacts based on if anyone is watching it or not.

I conclude that everything in this universe is conscious and alive. I know this sounds crazy, but I have convinced myself that everything within this existence reacts to its surroundings in a conscious manner and this is demonstrated with the double-slit experiment. Every particle has its own electromagnetic field. Our brain creates an electromagnetic field. Biological processes enable the electromagnetic field to facilitate our conscious mind. The electromagnetic field gives us the sense of self. We react to our surroundings. Matter reacts to its surroundings as well.

I know my conclusion sounds crazy, but that is where I have found myself. Stuck, unable to prove or disprove this assertion. Stuck in my thoughts. If you would like to inject your interpretation of the experiment, please feel free to do so in the comments. I will respond and we can have a discussion...

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