There will be not enough jobs... oh look at this new type of job.

There have been many times in history where people have spoken about the doom of some new technology ending the availability of jobs. So far in all of these cases the old jobs it is true ceased to be, but were quickly replaced by a new set of jobs. In many cases they actually ended up creating more jobs. Now as people keep repeating this mantra that there will be not enough jobs due to some technology it may at some point become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The purpose of this post is not to tell you that there will always be enough jobs. It is to give you some examples of new job opportunities that are already beginning to emerge that some people are gradually taking advantage of. I will also towards the end make my own personal predictions about where I see most jobs trending towards.

Today I can talk about a few places I see as new job opportunities. Some people are already taking advantage of them and any of these areas can become saturated, so they will not necessarily be a job for everyone, but they are examples of job opportunities I am aware of that I believe will be lucrative and a big deal for some people in the future. These are jobs that did not exist like they do now, and those few that may have done them were a very rare breed. Opportunity and advancement has opened the door in these areas.

Video Game Development
The "democratization" of game development as Unity founder likes to say has put the tools to make a good game into the hands of anyone who wants to try for the incredible low price of FREE. Due to this the competition has followed suit and there are several other great engines that have done the same. This means anyone can try making games, or using these game development tools to make other things that are not necessarily games. Yet, it becomes apparent that opportunity does not mean skill. Some people will have natural abilities and take to it like a fish to water. Others will only be able to do this with a lot of trial and error. It is much like giving people a pencil and paper. They may decide they want to be a writer. That does not mean they will be a good writer. It takes practice and experience. The video game industry is dealing with this at the moment. We have tons (far more than ever before) of games flooding the market. Many of them are very poor in quality, design, etc. This can make it difficult to find the gems. There are also those occasional amazing games that people find in the midst of these piles that likely would not have existed without this opportunity of starting at FREE. It should be noted none of these things stay free forever. Unity is free until you make over $100,000 gross in a year, then you must buy a commercial license which is several thousand dollars. If you are making $100K from the game you likely won't have a problem paying for the license. Unreal works off of a royalty model. It is actually not FREE. They take a royalty % (I believe 5%) of your gross game sales. Yet this can be a new form of a job. I see it as being similar to writers, video producers, etc. We will have a lot of this and we'll have to relearn the old phrase "don't judge a book by its cover" for these types of content as well. As consumers we'll have to research our games a little more closely, or be okay with the fact we will sometimes end up with a dud, a stinker, crap.

3D Modeling
This ties into video game development above, but it also ties into video making, static art, architectural design, and many other areas. There are great programs like Blender that are free and very powerful that people can use to begin learning modeling. If they get skilled enough they can sell their models on places like Turbosquid, and on the asset stores for the game engines. This can become a very real job that pays you well if you put forth the effort and learn the skills. Making assets that game developers can buy for inexpensive amounts to put into their games can make you good money. I say inexpensive, because I believe that is the key to actually surviving at this. On the Unity Asset store for example if I see a good enough sale or a low enough priced asset I might feel the urge to buy it on impulse just because the price is good and I might some day use it. Whereas if the price is high I'll only buy it if I absolutely need it then. Let me give you an example. I think this example is likely pretty accurate. If I make a model that is an animated worg wolf with 10 or so animations. It can be high quality so I can list it as $100, or I can list it at $10. For the $100 I make say 3 sales from people that really need my model giving me $300. It will actually be a little less than that after the store takes their share. On the otherside it is such good quality that at $10 about 100 people see it and buy it because it is such a good deal and they might want to use it some day. That is $1000. There is an added benefit of the low price. They become a trickling economy. You'll keep making more impulse sales every month. Now if you keep doing this. The amount of money coming in every month while not a fixed amount will increase. You could easily survive or do quite well on this if you have the skill and work at treating it like a job. Now this is where I interact with a lot. I know places like Turboquid are frequented by people making movies a lot and the prices are typically a lot higher. Learn your market. Offer a better deal for the same or better quality than your competition. Look for areas where there are models that people might want, but no one has made them or their quality is less than what you can do.

Youtube and Video Channel providers
I don't need to talk about this much as all of you know this. Yet this is a fairly recent phenomena in the scope of time. It is a very good paying job for quite a few people.

Blogger like here on steemit
It also would take effort to survive on it, but it is doable. I suspect these opportunities only will continue to become available.

Prediction part of the post

I notice a distinct trend in most of the new jobs. They are steering towards entertainment, and information. They are requiring less and less manual labor. I do think there will always be manual labor jobs. I believe they will become increasingly specialized and require more skilled individuals, but they will always exist. I see most of the future jobs coming more in the intellectual and creative spaces. I see people doing the things we cannot really make a machine do well for us. Yes, we can make them write. We can make them do quite a lot of things or pretend to. They don't quite give us what we are looking for. Therefore, these are the jobs I see people filling. All the technology being produced should be viewed as tools. They extend the possibility of the things we can attempt to do into new areas. If you have tools and programs that do a lot of the heavy lifting for you that frees you up to aim for some big dreams that in the past would have taken big teams of people to do. I do believe there will be jobs. I think they will be less and less the type where someone puts out an advertisement wanting to hire people. I see many of the future jobs being those that people seize opportunities and create for themselves. They explore the information and they find a niche they are interested in and they kind of mentally homestead.

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