Reality Is Realistic: The Science Of Vibration Will Redefine Spirituality, That The Fundamentalists And Atheists Like It Or Not

Nikola Tesla was a genius and his only mistake was to think that profiteers would end their schemes once confronted with his discovery. He was wrong. 

All is but Vibration and Vibration is energy, energy glows, glowing  is light. Light is a wave. A wave is caused by vibration. The 2nd Natural Law in the entire Universe. Every cell spins and vibrates, meaning that the matter is alive. And since all life forms are composed by living cells operating with the goal to birth Life, we can rightfully say that the Cosmic Program is Consciousness. Vibration does appear even the Bible and stated as "In the beginning was the Word". 

The world doesn't need anymore scriptures that people have difficulties to comprehend because Holistic Science has all the answers already. Scientism is an atheist/materialistic take on matter as a whole, and transhumanism is the prolongation of such a godless ideology. But this blog has enough transhumanism content for you to see what society is geared up to if we do not reclaim our thoughts. There are real holistic scientists out there who need our support to end the commerce and exploitation of Life, because science without the spiritual component is what causes the massive world suffering today. Religious doctrines in place offer little because they have different levels of interpretations. There is an increasing trend establishing that talking in terms of Vibration scientifically will merge science and spirituality.  

This blog will however demonstrate today the obvious with the help of insightful videos, so you can sit back and watch all this with a popcorn and then make up your own mind. However if this topic resonates with you, you can join the Earth Custodians Movement at to spread this spiritual philosophy, and participate in the forum. 

Is Water ALIVE?! Water Responds to Our Words, Music & Even Thoughts

Dr. Emoto Thoughts/Intentions Shape Physical World - Amazing... SHARE!

 Thanks & Gratitude, Money and Hate - Are The Words Used In Our Water  Experiment 2014 - Inspired by Dr. Emoto, who has since sadly passed  from this Realm. Rest In Peace 1943 - 2014. PS: this is an experiment that CORROBORATES  Emoto's research. MUST SEE!   

Dr. Royal Raymond Rife and the Rife Machine

Born in 1888 in Elkhorn , Nebraska, Royal Raymond Rife was a gifted  scientist, studying bacteriology at John Hopkins University, at the  University of Heidelberg and at his own laboratory. He received an  honorary doctorate degree from the University of Heidelberg. Dr. Rife  master several different scientific disciplines. If he needed an  instrument to perform a new task, he simply invented it. It is reported  that some of his technologies are still used. 

Can the Rife Machine Cure Cancer?

In 1934, an experiment was reportedly conducted that did show the  Rife machine cured cancer. It is commonly reported that a Special  Medical Research Committee was formed at the University of Southern  California. The committee consisted of medical doctors and pathologists.  It is reported that they brought sixteen terminally ill cancer patients  who were near death form the Pasadena County Hospital to the laboratory  of Dr Rife to be treated with the Rife frequency generator. The plan  was for the patients to be examined in 90 days if they were still alive. Reports are that after the 90 days, the patients were examined and  fourteen of them were declared cured. The other two stayed at the  laboratory. Their treatments were intensified. Four weeks later, those  two were also declared cured. 

What Happened?

If all this is true, why aren't doctors today using the Rife  machine for cancer and other diseases? What you are about to read may  seem unbelievable, but books by Barry Lynes and numerous websites have  reported this information. We are repeating it here for you. According to reports, by 1939, almost all of the forty-four doctors  attending the banquet to honor Raymond Rife were denying they had ever  met him. Allegations are that drug companies, bent on stifling the Rife  technologies, waged war and won.  FULL STORY:

EARTH CUSTODIAN COMMENT: But what happened? Follow the money!  Today the Cancer Industry represents more than 120 billion dollars yearly.  But the concealed Rife experiment didn't go completely unnoticed.  Several decades later, sound therapy is gaining attention:   High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a treatment that aims to  kill cancer cells with high frequency sound waves. HIFU doesn't pass  through solid bone or air, so it's not suitable for every cancer.  .....  Sound therapy - A powerful tool for breast cancer  ..... Sound wave treatment zaps prostate tumours

Mainstream Medical Science Will Be Forced to Admit Royal Rife Was Right

(must see how mainstream science steals the knowledge from the 1930's that has been kept hidden and whose genius has been ostracized all his life for having discovered that cancer can be killed with Resonance/Vibration, with NO side effect) 

EARTH CUSTODIANS COMMENT: let's expand this knowledge to the Cosmos, while without the sun there wouldn't be any Life on Earth, the truth is more like: if our planet didn't received its Vibration, life would not exist. It is the nature of the sun's vibrations that cause Light. 

Sound Of The Sun - 3 MHz Vibration

 Vibration Sound Of The Sun 3MHz recorded sounds are sounds bizarre, certainly not of the compositions or  songs (the Sun, however, over the centuries it has also been a source  of inspiration for many musicians), but the sounds are very curious,  small harmonies. Some British scholars have recorded the sounds emitted by the Sun,  noting that the sound waves that propagate from the Sun's magnetic  arches spread like the sound produced by the strings of guitars or wind  instruments. It 'a sound, musical harmony generated by the magnetic  field in the outer part of the atmosphere. The recording had been  obtained about three years ago and during a meeting of the Royal  Astronomical Society had been explained the phenomenon. The acoustic  waves produced were measured by the researchers in an indirect manner  with the satellite Soho (Solar Heliospheric Observatory) and  subsequently converted into audio format with frequency 

Earth Custodians Comment:  Earth Vibrations have been too proven scientifically, and they are in sync with that of our  electric sun. Vibration is a property of Electricity. The Electric Universe Theory is making huge leaps ahead as you read this but the academia is just too frightened to admit it was wrong all the way long. You see, Vibration proves that Matter is alive and scientism wants the monopoly on Life, hence preaches atheism to scientists.  Because all cells of the human body vibrate in sync with earth's vibration, which in turn vibrates in sync with that of the sun.... and so on  with our solar system vibrations in sync with that or the Milky Way.... yes you got it, the science of Sound/Vibration/Frequency is INFINITE!


The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the ionosphere.  This global electromagnetic resonance phenomenon is named after physicist Winfried Otto Schumann  who predicted it mathematically in 1952. Schumann resonances occur  because the space between the surface of the Earth and the conductive  ionosphere acts as a closed waveguide. The limited dimensions of the Earth cause this waveguide to act as a resonant cavity for electromagnetic waves in the ELF  band. The cavity is naturally excited by electric currents in  lightning. Schumann resonances are the principal background in the part  of the electromagnetic spectrum[1] from 3 Hz through 60 Hz,[2] and appear as distinct peaks at extremely low frequencies (ELF) around 7.83 Hz (fundamental),[3] 14.3, 20.8, 27.3 and 33.8 Hz.[

The Schumann Resonance Bursts and Affects on Human Consciousness

 Information on the Earth's natural resonant frequency, or the Schumann  Resonance, and how it affects our own brain waves and levels of  consciousness. 

CYMATICS - The Effects of Sound on Matter

IMPLICATIONS OF SOUND:  Levitation, Sonoluminescence, Cymatics, Superconductivity (Undebunkable Experiments)

Please scroll down and check out  the other blogs about  our  dystopian future,  and keep doing your home work, find out for yourself.  The  truth is out  there, really! Keep always in mind that   there only is  ONE AND SOLE conspiracy, that of knowledge vs ignorance,   and which translates in many flavors and fashions. The Earth  Custodians is not a "bad news blog" as it promotes a different way of  thinking to address any current human crises. We cannot resolve the  problem with the same mindset that created it.  


Ready to accept that materialism must be let go and for 'mindset transitioning' ? Materialism At Odds With Freedom And Decentralization

Human emotions being ruled by physics, Earth Custodians call  for    the adoption of a different  way of  thinking to promote  conflict     resolutions. Different but not new, because  such concepts    were   already  debated  two thousands years ago: they are keys to grasp     the    unhealthy  mechanics driving people's need  for power     structures,   and  as how to overcome them as well. Mainstream    Psychology is on its    death bed.  Yes, it is possible to see way  ahead   of the curve, and  if  it takes one generation for a money-free  society   to take shape,  that  shouldn't prevent anyone from taking  action, and  using money to  spread  the word until a critical mass (20%  of   population) is  reached.  Please do not hesitate to visit our  website and forum   

Thank you in advance for resteeming and upvoting such important topics and spreading the aims of the Earth Custodians!

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