“What one thing do you think individual people can do to make a positive impact on humanity? ecoTrain Question Of The Week”

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There are so many good and valid answers to this question that I had to scratch behind my ears. But not for long.

My answer to this question is very short:

Try to do no harm.

Or even shorter:

Do No Harm_L.jpg

This obvious and simplistic answer might not be as easy as it seems once we try to practice this little guideline in our day to day live.

Then we will see that a lot of our actions are actually causing harm in some kind of way. Especially when we look at what we buy and what we buy into.

I’m not going to be holier than. I’ve got a car, my bills, I write this using my iMac, etc..


Decide what to do with your money. Where and how to spend it and where and how to store it. With your money you can have a direct influence on creating a better world.

Decide what to do with your thoughts. Where and what do you want to buy into? Remember that there’s only one truth.

Truth is singular. It can never be plural.

I cannot tell you the truth but I can see some of the the lies.

Buying into lies is damaging humanity and our world probably more than anything else.

It makes people believe in dictators. It makes soldiers march into war.

We must clear our mind and see the impact of our actions. Try to live by this little guideline. It will do you no harm.


Much Love,



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