Karma has NO deadline!


When it comes to choosing between good and bad, in each of us there is free will.
Karma is the "cause-effect" law - an indestructible law of the cosmos. Your actions create your future. The reason your fate is not sealed is because you have a free choice. Therefore, the future can not already be written.

To distinguish between good and evil, after all, is not a matter of choice, but rather a matter of education.

Let's see what the words that best define the two attitudes are the most true:


  • Goodness is the one we feed with beautiful feelings with unconditional volitional attitudes;
  • Inheritance of unquestionable values, which are in fact the essential qualities of a human being,
  • Love that is both an instinctual feeling and a product of closeness;
  • Empathy means affective identification by sympathetic transposition.


  • Sadness wich is moody state, grief, bitterness and in the worst case depression;
  • Hate that is a strong sense of hostility, a hostile attitude towards someone or something;
  • Passivity that is actually giving up any action or initiative.

There are a series of laws who governs the Karma:

The most important Law of Karma: "You collect what you sow."


Our thinking and actions have consequences - good or bad. If we want peace, love, harmony, prosperity, etc. We must be prone to act properly.


This is also known as the "Law of Cause and Effect". The energy (thoughts, actions) that you give to the world have immediate or no consequences.

The Law of Creation: "What we want is through engagement."


Everything that we see around us was created to the intent of a person. As we are one with the Universe, our intentions determine the evolution of creation. Since the things that surround us become part of us, it is our responsibility to make sure that these are favorable to our wishes.

The Law of Humility: "Refusing to accept what is, will not change the situation."

Acceptance is an almost universal virtue in many belief systems. Simply, we should first accept the current circumstances to change them.


If we focus on the negative instead of taking action to get rid of it, we will get a zero result.

Growth Law: "Our own growth is above all circumstances."


The only thing we have control of is our own person. True change takes place only if we undertake to change what is in our hearts.

Responsibility Law: "Life depends only on our actions, nothing else."


When there is a turbulence in our own lives, there are often domestic turbulences. If we want to change our lives, we need to change our mood and circumstances.

Conexion Law: "Everything in the Universe is connected, both large and small things."


Past, present and future are connected. Therefore, if we want something different, we need to work to change these connections.

Law of Concentration: "You can not turn your attention to more tasks."


It is impossible to grow spiritually if we think and act negatively. We must fully focus our attention on achieving any desired task.

The Law of Hospitality and Generosity: "Demonstrating altruism shows our true intentions."


What we claim to believe must manifest itself in our actions. Altruism is a virtue only if we adapt to something different from ourselves. Without an altruistic character, spiritual growth is almost impossible.

The Law of Changes: "History is repeated until it is changed."


The conscious commitment to change is the only way to influence the past. History will continue along a constructive path until positive energy leads it elsewhere.

The Law "Here and Now": "This is all we have."


Regarding in the past with regrets and hopeless future, you lose the chance of the present. Old thoughts about behavior deny the chance to move forward.

The Law of Patience and Reward: "Nothing of value is created without patience."


Rewards are claimed only through patience and perseverance. Reward is not the end result. True joy comes from the safety of doing what is necessary to anticipate the well-deserved result.

Law of Significance and Inspiration: "The best reward is the one that contributes to the whole."


Energy and intentions are vital components that determine the end result. Any contribution you make to your life is a personal contribution to the whole Universe.

Karma - far from being the principle of punishment for wrong actions. Karma - is the principle of charging with energy, with lust for life.

When we love ourselves within us, there appears an energy that we are directing towards everything we do. This creates situations where energy loading is achieved - through people and events.

Each of us wants something to solve, something to correct, something to improve. This "something" can be fine in different spheres of life: love, relationships, family, service. Our desires are achievable.

The problem is that desires are good, while the energy we are directing towards their realization follows other, often inverse goals. Karma is guided by this energy. It is so that we are refused by people from whom we could not expect anything else.

Then we go home and ask: what did not go well? Why do I have such a fate?

The answer is simple: what is the energy load, so is karma.

For example: we want love and happiness in our lives. Our desires are beautiful. But if we look at things deeper, we understand that we do not love ourselves. And what do we get as a result? Making the lack of love for ourselves. Most of the time this is manifested by the lack of love of the man next to us.

It is most awful - the desire for love and happiness is fed by the lack of self-love. For example, I have a good job. The bad part is that if we do not love ourselves, we will not be able to feed the desire to have good service with the right energy. We get to have no love, no good service and no money. Karma has made its effect!


Karma is like the laws of physics: there is a hammer and you can hit a nail with it, but you can also hit your fingers. In both cases it will be the same hammer and the same applied power. The decisive moment is the direction of power - where we hit the hammer. In our situation hammer blow - karma determines love for us or lack of love.

All we need to learn is to effectively manage our power, so to constantly feel our love for us. In stability and problem ...

When we feel good and no one bothers us - then unconsciously we enter into a state of self-love. Inner harmony leads to the manifestation of love. But life is following its course. It happens that the harmony disappears and with it there is no love anymore. It would seem that our lives depend on external whims.

In reality, however, the dagness to us is our home, where it is always warm and well. When we have this house, we are independent of any outside influence. Love to ourselves gives us the freedom to choose. Then we can handle many things. So YES, karma can be controlled. It really has to be controlled.

Then all our desires will become reality. We will have everything we want and more than that. Every second we can change energy, or "correct" karma. At any moment we can begin to love ourselves. Do not wait for the right time - he is NOW!


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