How My Heart Chakra Got Activated

I am inspired by my friend @zero-infinity to posted @zero-infinity/heart-chakra - and posed the question: How did your heart chakra get activated...


It was in 2009... I had been doing a lot of Spiritual Work to heal my childhood trauma of growing up with an alcoholic father and a mother who was emotionally unavailable ... as a result of growing up that way, my heart was sealed in a protective bubble and not even I could get to it. I was unavailable too, and of course I attracted unavailable men.

The latest in the series of unavailable dudes was an artist cat, and I began to pursue him by going to church with him and making art in a collaboration...

Here is a link to the 300 pieces we did together over the ensuing 18 months. He and I made Christian Icons out of found materials that we dumpster dived in the Denver Alleys.

I believe that I was unknowingly practicing a form of "Lectio Divina" while making these icons - in other words, by creating these images, and spending so much time with them - I had a spiritual awakening to the heart of Jesus Christ, and my heart broke.

The first sign of this, was in church, I would just start crying while singing hymns. Then I would cry at my other meetings where we would close with a prayer. Everywhere I went suddenly I would just start crying - when I saw a beautiful sunset or a flower - Nature made me cry, singing made me cry, praying made me cry...

And that was not all - at some point, I experienced a Burning Heart - which I have not really found talked about anywhere - in which I feel a burning in my heart - a supernatural burning - it's not heart-burn, believe me - it's not acid reflux - it's a supernatural burn in my heart chakra. At that point, I got a piece of moldavite which I wore over my heart chakra for several years to increase my experience.


And here I am. While I write this article, I can feel my burning heart.

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