Late Night Steem Cafe #2: Rest Your Legs, Weary Traveler

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It's been a long day, a long week, a long life. Come on in, and welcome. Your favorite hot drink is waiting, piping hot.

Sit down. What exactly has you up at this ungodly hour? If you're like me, everything. But hey, don't let it get to you. As long as things can keep you up, you know you're still human, right? Well, that's what they say, anyway.

What music haunts you in this waking dream? Is it a melody heard only by your ears? Or something on the radio? Either's fine, but let's take it to the cafe proper to discuss it more elegantly. Or, at least, discreetly.

I suppose it may just be me, shouting into the darkness. But I'll continue to the man this cafe, sweeping it's floors as it's half-awake denizens come for their due - fresh coffee and a biscotti.

Take a seat, newcomer. We're just getting started.

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