❤️ How to stop being a people pleaser ❤️

We must live life for ourselves and not for others. Staying true to yourself, will bring you happiness and help you achieve your goals. When you try to please others, you may feel taken advantage of because your actions are not true to what you want. Here are 5 powerful habits that have helped me.

#1. Realize that you have a choice
Realize that you don’t have to do anything. People pleasers often feel like they need to or the owe people, when really, they don’t. You don’t have to say yes to everything.

#2. Stick to your goals
To achieve your goals in life, you must put yourself first. Your priorities should be to take care of yourself before helping others.

#3. Set boundaries
If you are not comfortable with something, have the courage to tell someone “no.” If sleeping 8 hours a day is important to you, and your friends want you to hang out past midnight, be strong and stick to the boundaries you gave yourself. You must respect yourself first if you expect others to do the same.

#4. Don’t let guilt guide you
Often, we do things we may not want to do out of guilt. This can lead to exhaustion, resentment and burnout if you allow people to guilt trip.

#5. Have confidence
Being confident will help you stay strong and keep to your decisions. It may be hard to tell people “no” at first, but people will respect you. It will make you feel good for stick up for yourself.


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