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Download .mp3: Dark, Negative and Limited Trivium - Language and Reality Pt.44.1 Ancient Magic to Modern Social Engineering
A "magician" of the modern age engages in a con game to deceive and manipulate the target's sense perception and comprehension of reality. That is what we agree to in this exchange, wanting to be fooled so we can experience wonder, amazement, awe and mystery at something done. They hide things up their sleeves and trick us in clever ways. In this way, a "magician" is creating a false reality that we accept and buy into. It is wondrous and amazing to be bedazzled by this magic. This also ties into the wonder and amazement of new ideas and concepts. We can't erase an idea once it's in our head (although we may not accept it), and some are fantastic ideas that bring a sense of amazement and awe. An alchemical magician is not deceptive but is direct with Truth, expressing reality as it 'is'. A dark sorcerer uses truth to manipulate people into falsity, they use tactics of deception, like the modern "magician" does to create an unreality for us to accept.Also, the past infatuation with theater and acting, as well as modern, is based in this awe and wonderment, as we are fooled, although willingly, into believing false realities, fiction, these personas and masks the actors wear. However, we can often learn from the secondary experiences and allegories that are analogous to reality. These allegories create referential images in the mind that are similar to aspects of reality. It's a process of invoking images in the mind, which can enrich our understanding of reality, or be used to manipulate it.
The Classical Trivium is based on the emphasis of "effective" rhetoric, towards sophistry and clever oration as an art. This creates a false correlation that "good" speech, convincing speech, makes you a "good" person. It is to convince people and thereby create a status of being a person who is honest and true, all to gain favor and influence over others. This is part of Emotional Mind Control. Modern age sophistry is the politics to make people "feel-good" and applaud for their leaders because they are convincing. It is making promises they can't deliver, a false pretense. It is telling people what they want to hear, things that sound impressive. It is counterfeit wisdom, anti-truth.
The Trivium Method is direct truth, not focused on "effective" communication to convince someone, but of simply speaking the truth about the condition of reality. The modern "magician" uses our attention against us to trick us into seeing things that are not really there, and buy into things that are not real. A modern "magician" can make us pick the card they want us to pick, or make us see what they want us to see. In life, this is having us "choose" our "own" path, while actually offering predetermined pathways for "success". They have us looking at certain aspects of reality they want us to so that we just go along with it. Much of it is based on suggestion, influence, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and greater comprehension of the sensual and psychological domain to create various deceptions .
"The true skill of the magician is in the skill he exhibits in influencing the spectators mind." - Dariel Fitzkee, Magic by Misdirection, pg. 33, copyright 1975
Some of us do break away and begin to think for ourselves more. We begin to want to know, to no longer want to be fooled by the images and illusions in the show, and want to overcome the fancy and acceptance of the spells the dark sorcerers have cast on our minds. Usually, a catalyst is required to shock us awake from our sonambulistic dream state. Once we get smacked awake by evil in our presence, or conscious awareness through secondary experience or knowledge, it can catalyze us to care more about what is going on, to care more for Truth and Morality by proxy of not wanting to be fooled anymore, to be deceived, manipulated, conned, tricked, etc., to no longer want to be wrong.That is when we go from being content with being fooled as long as we are "happy" and "feel-good" about the illusion we accept in our relative zone of comfort, to greater degrees of awakening and evolving consciousness, to work on uncovering reality more and more, to seek Truth. At first we don't know where we are going, we realize we are the fool, but we know we need to start the journey and begin to learn more about what is going on because we are ignorant, fooled and wrong, not knowing about what 'is' really happening. That commences the journey, from being a standard idiotic fool with no clue about reality, to the initiated fool who begins the journey towards truth, whether they know it or not. That first bit of care is what started it for me. I can speak of this (that many other people can also relate to) because this is how it started for me in 2006. I can better describe it now due to the level of understanding I have about reality and myself.
We pay for the trick, we buy it, to be entertained, in wonder, in awe, amazement, mystery. If we are not in "happy" in "feel-good" satisfaction with our lives and the way we live, or of our understanding of reality and ourselves, most people still fail to learn more about it to empower themselves and seek more pleasure gratification to get rid of that subconscious unease with humanities overall direction. Some people have the false-self indoctrination well established and are "happy" in this system, while others may have an unclear nagging discontent towards the way of life we currently engage in. Without a catalyst, most end up wandering the cyclical systemic loop and perpetuate more of the same anyways. Breaking past the illusions can be very difficult.
4.1.1 Misdirection
"Misdirection. What the eyes see and the ears hear, the mind believes." - Swordfish (2001)
There are many things we can miss seeing or hearing, for we don't see or hear everything when our attention is focused on a specific. Misdirection takes advantage of the functionality and limits in human consciousness in order to give the wrong picture. In social engineering, this is to produce a false image and memory for recall and construction of secondary subjective reality for a basis of living. The mind of a typical audience member (masses) can only concentrate on one thing at a time. The modern "magician" (manipulator, sorcerer) uses this perceptual restriction to manipulate the audience's sensory input and ideas about reality, leading them to draw false conclusions about what actually occurred in reality, in actuality, in Truth.One of the most important things to remember when thinking about misdirection and "magic" is this: a larger movement conceals a smaller movement. This is how the social engineering media of shaping the collective public mind is used to direct our attention away from more important worldly matters.
Isn't that what a "magician" does? Distracts you from what is really going on? From what is really important? Convinces you of something that is an illusion? Casts a spell on your mind to have unreality accepted as reality?
4.1.2 Buying and Selling to Manifest Our Own Consequences
People sell us beliefs in order for certain deceptive false constructs to continue to be accepted. As a result, we pay with the currency of our time, attention and energy directed into perpetuating them. We buy into them, thinking they are legitimate, good, helping, or required, and we feed their sustainment and growth in existence. Creating unreality into reality.
We are buying what they sell. We buy the political rhetoric, we buy the "magical" illusions. We want to "feel-good", and they make us "feel-good", they motivate us, they stimulate us, etc., so we buy into what they sell because we are suckers for sophistry, Emotional Mind Control and other fallacies.
This is how we manifest the word spells cast onto our consciousness in existence. We do it directly, or allow others to do it. We don't have to buy into it. Then it has no power over us. We empower the spells into manifestation by engaging in acts that allow them to exist. All the "laws" that get invented by men, all the governments, money, everything is illusory and only exists because we give it the power to exist by creating it ourselves or allowing others to do it. We are all in this together, on one spaceship planet earth. If people believe in falsity, then they behave according to falsity, and they create a world of falsity. This is how we co-create our self-imposed enslavement and self-inflicted suffering in the aggregate whole of humanity. The individual unit is what creates the totality of the whole sphere of humanity, but the individual "karma" (NL) is localized, while the "karma" (NL) of the aggregate is applied to all individuals as a collective condition of existing in one system, spaceship earth.
Word alterations, how do they happen? Is it always organic from people associating words that have the same sound or meaning together that brings about a reversal or opposite in their meaning? Or is it also an organized effort to change certain words? Sometimes words can be created to create a perception of reality, and then it can be altered later by influence. Alterations can be done to existing words, by putting out material (media) that uses the word in a certain way to induce it with the meaning of the context it is used in rather than the older meaning. This influences the use of the word, and develops into common use of the language.
Who has the power to publish literature in older times? The scholars. The scribes. It was always academia or the rulers who had the money to learn these skills and pay others to create stories for them. Those few who were literate and could write, the scribes, were in pay by the ruling elite. Earlier there were the priests who were the script keepers. They created the words to express vocal meaning in reality, and could alter the perception of reality according to a story they told about reality. Oratory is a powerful tool for this reason, because prior to writing the only method of communication and influence was through speech. Priests were the old time story tellers who had the power of the science of imagery to create images in the mind from the telling of stories, creating narratives and conceptions about reality. Oratory skill, rhetoric, sophistry, clever speech, these were used to win over the "hearts" and "minds" of people.
Images and imagination are a fundamental part of human consciousness, to enslave us or free us. Restrict imagination of possibilities and you can feed the masses your images as what is "real" and "possible".
4.2 Dark, Negative, Classical and Limited Trivium
There is the real Trivium Method for Truth, and there is the Classical Trivium for control and manipulation while possibly convincing yourself you are doing "good and right", that is if you don't already know exactly what you are doing. The training in the Classical Trivium is to get ahead and win, to "survive" within the constructs of the systems of society and try to manipulate your way to the top. If you do not have access to more precise Trivium methodologies, such as the Classical Trivium in private education institutions, then the Limited Trivium is what you are taught as the standard of thought processing that mirrors others around you, as this is the norm for everyone to think this way. The Classical Trivium teaches knowledge of how to gain relative degrees of freedom within the corrupted system. Without access to the ladder-climbing capabilities of the system, you don't have access to the comforts or survival mechanisms that the system provides. Standard education is introduced as a way to convincingly coerce people into conformity with the system in an effort to maximize their survivability in that system. If you can learn of the manipulative ways of the corrupt system, then you can work your way to higher levels of control and comfort.
Many people prefer presentation, and appearance, over the substance of Truth that counts. People have been conditioned into diluted forms of the Classical Trivium for manipulation to navigate the human constructed world and get ahead, into a more Limited Trivium that keeps only the limiting aspects. More specifically, conditioned into a dilution of the true rhetorical art form, into resembling that of manipulative sophistry, that of preferring an effective "aesthetically" appealing presentation (to the eyes, ears, or other senses), than the Trivium Method's central search for Truth regardless of the appearance, garb and presentation that a message is delivered in.
Logic is at the center in the Trivium, concerned with Truth, and is the art of arts, to direct our actions in life. People prefer and sometimes require (in their false conditioned selves) to hear a message in a pleasing way (Emotional Mind Control), or to have the message align with their preexisting concepts, or else they tend to reject it. They are infected with the corrupted art of rhetoric as sophistry, the art of persuasion and influence, through "aesthetic" pleasantry, putting Truth secondary in consideration, which has taken Truth out of central focus. This is similar to the "magical" diversion of attention, as the focus is not where it should be, on Truth. Effective convincing is preferred to actual Truth in the devolved form of the Trivium, such as the Classical Trivium, and the Limited Trivium of the masses.
I put Logic as central because it is focused on Truth, and this is the goal of the Trivium Method as I define it. It is true, the end goal of communicating it to others is important, that is the goal, to affect change and influence in others about how reality functions, but the Truth is found in logic, and this should be the central focus, which is to ultimately be expressed in the culmination of the Trivium, rhetoric, the active expression of that Truth discovered. The active expression is the output, but the output itself is based on the processing from within consciousness itself, which is where logic is used. The resulting output is based on the input and the processing. They are more important in terms of producing the Right-Action output, as the rhetoric itself is not what produces that Right-Action, it is the expression of action itself, not how the action was produced. While the output itself is what matters in the end, we still require accurate and correct means to get there (grammar and logic). The overemphasis on the effectiveness of rhetoric as the "master art" will cloud our position and ability to stand in truth, represent the truth accurately, and in the end find the truth correctly.
The grammar and logic are the most important in order produce the rhetoric to share the truth. Thoughts and emotions are the important internal aspects of consciousness that will produce the actions to change things. If we corrupted grammar or logic, our rhetoric will be corrupted. The same is so for thoughts, emotions and action. Just as logic is the central process to get us to know what we are going to do, emotions via care are what motivate us to do what we do after we figure it out and stand in conviction of our conclusions (right or wrong).
4.2.1 Problematic Rhetoric
The Dark Trivium is the dark, negative and false Trivium, as the Classical Trivium is in its purpose. Rhetoric is the culminating output of the internal modalities of Grammar and Logic. Rhetoric results from the other two, and is dependent upon them as the foundation for output. The output action is what counts in the end, but the input and processing are what determine the output. The inner tools of grammar and logic can be limited and therefore provide for a limited or foolish rhetoric, but the grammar and logic can also be developed yet willingly produce false corrupted rhetoric in order to manipulate others into falsity.
Your rhetoric is determined by your logic, to choose what rhetoric to use. Words don't just come out by themselves through rhetoric, they are preceded in structure by logic to formulate the specific rhetoric. If there is no logic, then I don't understand how a structured rational communication can even be created. Logic is required, as is grammar. It is always the logic and grammar that matter most in the creation of the rhetoric to communicate about reality. The rhetoric is only the action output, it is not the reason, the why, for the output. The why of logic determined how you output. The how was not done by a cognitive process of rhetoric, it was done by logic, and the output itself is known as rhetoric. It is a response. There is stimulus in grammar input. Without some form of thought, there is only stimulus-response automated programming. With greater thought comes more freedom of choice and will. Humans have higher order consciousness and have the greatest potential capacity for thought and logic on this planet, but we often fall short of living up to our potential.
If the grammar and logic is accurate, and the right is known along with the wrong , yet someone chooses the wrong over the right in their output action, or simpler rhetoric in communication, then the logic is still the problem in the end somewhere at some root level that has them choose evil over good. Rhetoric is the output from the free will choice in knowing good and evil, right and wrong, and so to choose the wrong is in your formulation of logic to make that choice.
In some cases, it seems the lack of True Care is what corrupts the proper fuller logical understanding. The dark care or apathy is going to underly the choice, in objectively knowing right from wrong, yet still choosing the wrong. The logic is flawed, for if it were known why good is better than evil in all choices objectively, the logic would be sound and lead to the right-action, but since this is not chosen then the person is not using sound logic, and concludes evil is better, at least for themselves in a lack of consideration for others.
The lack of care, apathy, or the dark care to do evil, underlies the corruption of logic. They don't care for others, so the logic never arrives at the feedback conclusion about true morality and rights. Thought and emotion feedback, care and logic feedback. Your direction of thought will be affected by your care, and your care will be affected by your thought and logical conclusions. It can be a self-perpetuating trap, from Dark Care, to corrupted logic and grammar input (also ignorance), and back to reinforce the Dark Care again. The dark care can either limit correct input from grammar and true honest processing, or not limit it by simply always choosing the wrong and evil, no matter what input is provided to show good is better for them in the long run. As a game theory, it is win-win instead of "dark force" of win-lose domination.
4.2.2 Rhetorical Spectrum
True rhetoric deals with honest dialect, to express Truth. There is a rhetorical spectrum, or rhetorical duality/dichotomy, that shows there is this honest dialectic, between ourselves and others, and there is the sophist rhetoric of influence and favor to "win" and get people to accept what is being sold, true or not.
There is the original Trivium Method, which is the Positive Trivium of Light and Good, concerned foremost with Truth, Truth itself as the means, goal and expression. There is also the Classical Trivium, the Dark and Evil Negative Trivium, concerned foremost with effective oration, effective speech, effective rhetoric and effective convincing of something. By effective, they merely want their message to take effect in the receiver, that is all, not that it is necessarily the whole truth they can express to the person, or even a truth at all as an overall concept. The rhetorical skill is used to convince, motivate, persuade, and inform in order to "win" people over to accepting a concept. This motivation for use can become problematic.
The Trivium Method has logic central, the art of arts, concerned with thinking itself, and with Truth itself. Truth is simply 'what is', the grammar and other derivatives we can uncover that 'is'. We can speak plainly and simply, as things are, without obfuscation, euphemisms, etc. Straight forward, forthright, honest, frank, to the point. Dialectic is to establish a Truth from opposing views, to reconcile through logic of correct thought, reason. A dialog can be had with your self, to be curious, doubt, and question on your own, or with the help of others. Rhetoric often loses sight of this search for Truth which is central to the Trivium, and people get focused on minor fallacies, rather than the actual Truth presented that they don't want to look at (more on this below).
The light and dark aspects of the Trivium can be mirrored in the rhetorical use of appeals. "Logos" or rational appeal, "pathos" or emotional appeal, and "ethos" or ethical appeal can all be used for light or dark. The light can get people to understand reality from the aspects of consciousness we have to experience reality: thought, emotion and action. The dark uses the skills and knowledge of how consciousness learns about reality to manipulate how people understand reality.
Emotional appeals are not always fallacious, and has a proper and right purpose. There is dual purpose in emotions, even in the negative ones, such as the positive and negative in anger for instance. The emotional appeal is not to be used to avoid truth and silence the truth that hurts you. It is not to trick people with emotional ploys and tactics, but to show people emotional truth of reality, to feel reality, to care about what is being done that should not be done. Show them reality, evoke emotional truth about wrongs, have them face that reality they are ignoring and don't want to face. There is good and bad to emotional appeal. One for truth, the other to manipulate against truth and get personal desires fulfilled through emotional acceptance of the falsity, of unreality.
The dark side of the trivium promotes effective acceptance of a message in the delivery output phase, not necessarily the truth of reality. Other tools, like NLP, NVC (Non-Violent Communication), etc., can also be used in conjunction to further get your message to be accepted by others. People can know how to bypass obstacles and barriers in consciousness, although many hinder us, many also help to protect us. There are those who engage in this form of rhetoric to win people over to their argument because they honestly think it is the "right" good and true thing to do, but they will end up going down a winding road, diverging from a straight direct path. There will be convoluted mental gymnastics involved to placate delicate sensibilities that differ from person to person, in order to conform to variable minds that can’t handle the simple direct Truth as it 'is'. This can be effective indeed, but side steps for a long time. Sometimes this work is effective, but much of the time I have found these obstacles and objections to simply be excuses people will not let go of. The simple direct Truth is more effective in the end, for everyone. Effective rhetoric to "win" people over is preferred when you want to manipulate people, and not simply let the Truth you speak represent itself in full detail and view as you express it as such. This is not to say knowledge and Truth don't take time and don't progress to higher levels through degrees and grades, because they do. I am not talking about that aspect of reality here.
The dark aspect of the rhetorical duality includes:
- debating - to beat down, beat completely, i.e. to “win” your argument
- sophistry - wise, clever in convincing speach, not necessarily Truth
- gain favor - appeals to get you to like them (the message deliverer) in order to like what they say
The favor is important to manipulators, as you are less likely to listen, let alone accept the message, if they are telling you things you really don't want to hear, which is what the truth does much of the time. They need to gain your favor in order for their words to have more weight and impact on you. If they get you to like them, then they have influence upon you and can get you to more likely accept what they have to say, or sell, as the concepts are being sold for others to buy into and affect how they live their lives.
“The Sophists taught artistic quality in oratory (motivation via speech) as a manner of demonstrating one's aretē. Oratory was taught as an art form, used to please and to influence other people via excellent speech” - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dialectic
Politics is all about sophistry. Motivation through speech, regardless of truth or proof, as an art or oratory skill. Original sophistry was good in meaning and purpose, but it got corrupted and turned into all about how good you are at convincing someone of something, even if it is bullshit. You were a "good" person because you were "good" at convincing people of things.Since I have likened the Trivium Method to the Natural Law Expressions and Alchemy, we can also look at the dark trivium as the "dark side of the force". It is a force we embody in our thought processing and ultimately in our output and actions, to seek to manipulate through the power of the force of thought. The light Trivium is like Natural Law Expressions and Alchemy, representative of aspects of the force of Truth, Love, Good, Right, Morality, Natural Law, etc., the aspects of transcendental being. The dark force is Falsity, Fear, Evil, Wrong, Immorality, etc. the lack of the force that is.
4.2.3 Fallacy Fallacy
People can become fallacy-obsessed, and think a fallacy demonstrates a falsity in reality, when it actually only demonstrates a falsity/error in reasoning, not an error of the conclusion itself, but in explaining the conclusion. The fallacy in explaining a wrong/erroneous conclusion can indicate that this is how someone arrived at the wrong conclusion. Fallacies are helpful to show people why their conclusions are false if they are indeed false, because their reasoning is faulty. Someone can use fallacious statements that are erroneous while advocating for a verifiable Truth, the truth they are talking is true, but the way they delivered the truth had errors, but most people can still understand the truth delivered.
The use of fallacies does not automatically invalidate a proposition or conclusion. A person ca get stuck in the delivery, the rhetoric of the delivery of the message (does it have any fallacies) rather than looking at what is said. If the conclusion is erroneous, then fallacies can be demonstrated to show how the person is not reasoning accurately. To claim a conclusion is false because there are any amount of fallacies, is a fallacy fallacy. To claim a conclusion is false without even looking into it honestly, without curiosity, critical thinking and objective detachment from ourselves, is a fallacy of the mind itself. Anal-logic is not real logic. Look at the truth being expressed, not the rhetorical form of the message alone. If someone expresses a fallacy but speaks the truth about reality, then it is still truth. Rhetorical focus on the message delivery first, and not Truth first, is indicative of the poisoned Classical Trivium focus on manipulation, rather than Truth. When you only point out the fallacies, while ignoring the truth or falsity of the conclusion, you tend to side-track the issue. Fallacies need to be pointed out when they prevent access to Truth. Fallacies used to express a Truth is erroneous in its expression, but still has the Truth at its core, inside, internally, in substance. So yes, sometimes people fail to express things accurately, and you can point it out. If they are expressing a Truth, but do it incorrectly, as with a fallacy, you cannot simply deny their conclusion while only focusing on the fallacy used to demonstrate it.
4.2.4 Winding Road

Related to the obsession with fallacies and the message delivery instead of Truth itself, is the sophist rhetoric of wanting a message to simply be accepted, and using whatever sophisticated methods of delivering a message (NLP - neuro-linguistic programming, for example) is valid to have someone accept the message. Instead of having someone accept the message from the bare Truth itself contained within, you want to manipulate and massage the Truth into a palatable message for others to accept. Some may say it doesn't matter if not all the truth is spoken of accurately (spoken of as plainly and honestly as it appears in reality), as long as the main concept in the message is accepted. The focus is the message, not the truth therein. When you sacrifice the truth so easily in favor of effective acceptance of a message, you will inhibit your own ability to discern Truth effectively and as a result often merely defend a falsity as truth, convincing people of falsities as truth, because your primary focus was on the presentation, the appearance, the effectiveness of the receptivity of the message, instead of the truth first itself as what is given in a message.
Manipulative tools, like NLP, and the dark side of tools like NVC, Classical Trivium, etc. can be used to gain favor in people's "minds" and "hearts" towards what you are saying, and therefore uncritically accept it. It is very clever sophistry. Focusing on the message output is a blinding factor that prevents us from focusing on the truth itself that is contained in the message output. You can get lost in wasted time trying to show people pointless fallacies that don't stop them from seeing the truth, and you can get lost in winding road sophistry to try to get people to accept a concept you want them to accept. The truth that is spoken for the truth, speaks for itself as the truth. The truth spoken in tongues, twisted, winding, gymnastics to massage it into people, is not direct truth, but gets morphed and reshaped, and this can lead to alterations.
4.2.5 Greater Good Manipulation
The methodology of the Trivium can be a negative and manipulated against us to control us with the “greater good”, “greater than ourselves”, “service to others”, “oneness”, “interconnected” feeling to be inspired towards and achieve a goal. The Dark Trivium user can control us into maintaining false reality constructs while thinking these illusions are “good” and “moral” endeavors to give our time, attention and energy to. We can conform to truth, or the consequences of going against Truth and Morality. There is the conformity to Truth or falsity/lies. Giving ourselves to something larger than us, the “greater good”, can often be the conformity with falsity and evil rather than the substantive Truth and Good we believe the appearances to be. Evil cloaks itself in the appearance of Truth and Good, of righteousness, while creating fear, ignorance, apathy, cowardice and laziness. We can easily be deceived by our undeveloped state of consciousness and lack of objective critical thinking into larger agendas that we are convinced are "good", but are not, such as the "global unity" blindness that is not founded in Natural Moral Law reality.
We seek purpose and meaning in life, both in ourselves and in reality. We use language to correspond different meanings and communicate about reality. We attribute meaning to things in reality that we can uncover. We also give ourselves, our energy, our time, to that which we find has the most meaning. Those things we find are sometimes not simply “found”, but are fed to us, sold to us, and we willingly buy into them. Government service, military service, police service, pleasure service, etc. People have an idea of what is important with a given meaning and purpose, and give themselves to it in large part, because it is bigger than themselves individually, it is part of a collective that is larger than any one member. They become part of a universal (although aartifical). This is recognized subconsciously as a desire, despite the conscious mind being unaware of what is happening. This provides a sense of belonging, part of a greater family, a greater collective, a sense of purpose with that belonging. These are basic desires we have and they can be manipulated into preselected pathways to channel our energy and behavior in life. Only the Evolution in Consciousness, to develop conscious awareness of reality and these mechanisms in ourselves, will allow us to be free from all the mind control and change ourselves in alignment with good and not evil. The dark occultist manipulators know many of the motivational factors human beings have, and use them to manipulate us, while we remain ignorant of these inner-capacities and their outer ramifications. So, we are born into the world blind, with eyes closed. We are blindly being led, following others. We want to feel connected to others, so we unite along a common idea, a universal greater than ourselves or any other person, and connect with those people in that specific group. This connection can be an attachment that creates ingroup vs. outgroup favoritism and behavior that disregards Truth and Morality in favor of maintaining the attached dogma. We hand ourselves over to this power and let it use us.
Ivy League schools train people in the Classical Trivium, in how to use these tools to promote their chances of success and survival within the various systems we have constructed to enslave ourselves in economic survivability. The negative Classical Trivium enables you to be a clever orator, to convince and influence people effectively, to win and get your way. This training is the dark trivium, the negative trivium, “my freedom”, “my truth”, “my survival”, which relates to Satanism, carnism and solipsism: all about “me”. People who are academically trained, or otherwise learn to be manipulative, can out-maneuver other people and appear to “win” arguments. But it’s all a sham, an illusion, a magic trick of word spells cast on our minds, but most people can’t see it for what it is. Many other people believe their own bullshit, and they spread lies as if they were truth (honestly) because they have not established correct, firm, solid, grounded foundations in reality from Truth and Morality. Those who fail to use the Truth and Trivium Method, will often relegate to denial of their immorality and wrong-doing. "Animals matter morally? Pssh! I deny that reality!"
Update: Dark Rhetoric Addendum
The thing about Rhetoric is you don’t need to learn it if you do Grammar and Logic properly. Rhetoric is automatic. We all output. If you input and process properly, the information is there to learn how to output correctly. Rhetoric as an art is concerned with effectiveness over the bare truth. It is about manipulation of the target reception in order to have information accepted. The target can be manipulated in a positive sense, where you go on a long, wandering, wavering road that twists and turns to bypass their ego attachment and mental gymnastics and get them to see the truth without running into all the many barriers they have set up in their consciousness, in the “mind” and “heart”.
Someone may get a person to go “vegan” based on health issues, because the person isn’t being targeted on the moral aspect of doing the right thing. The goal is the only thing in “mind”: to get someone to go “vegan”. The truth is not in “mind” and “heart” first. This is only one example, and of “veganism” because I have seen this problem. This is to focus on the ends with ignorance or justification for whatever means used, and not the means as the ends, the journey being part of the goal. People only want others to accept some position taht they are attached to.
Another example, getting someone away from statism to anarchy. You can try to get someone to become an anarchist (no rulers, no masters, no slaves) by avoiding the moral issues and trying to convince them its better for their health and survival or some other thing. But that is avoiding the central Truth and Morality of the issue: slavery, evil. This is the problem with Rhetoric, and the ends/goal focus over the means/journey of standing for Truth. Focus on the root causal core foundational factors to get someone to truly understand a problem at its core and empower themselves to change. By all means try other roads if the simple truth doesn’t do anything, but don’t waver too far or too long from the core central issue that is hard for people to face, for them to face themselves in the mirror honestly.
Written by: Kris Nelson (@krnel), for Evolve Consciousness / Trivium Method
Previous article: Occulting and Encrypting Reality through Word Magic – Language and Reality Pt.3
- Words, Reality and Proportions
- Time, Freedom and Thought (book excerpt)
- Senses for Input of Reality, not Technology
- Tracing Reality – The Visionary Quest to Wisdom
- Axioms, Existence, Consciousness and Identity
- Analogy, Balance and In Between
- Substance vs. Appearance
- Reality vs. Perception – Reality Processing
- Causality, Consciousness, Choice and Trivium
- Circle of Life
- Foundational Living and True Unity