Serene Simplicity Can Develop Into Chaotic Complexity

You do something, others get affected, and they make choices based on that. Others do something, you get affected, and you make choices based on how they affected you. So simple of a process, yet it becomes incredibly complex as the number of participants increases.

Instead of just one person affecting you and you affecting them, we have over 7 billion people engaging in the shared collective reality. I do something, and it has an affect on the "minds" and "hearts" of everyone else who can be touched by what I did.

What happens in the world can affect people and change how they think and feel, which affects the choices they make to act in the world. The choice are many, and we choose one or a few in responses when something happens. On and on this process repeats.

It's so simple how it all works when looking at just one interaction, yet the complexity the process creates is amazing and beautiful to see in our mind's-eye when looking at how we interact in reality. Actions or events in one area of the planet can affect others somewhere else without them directly being connected or know each other.

Here is how I have shown this complex beauty of our interactions, all from a simple to understand process that gets repeated and interacts with all others in various degrees of separation.


Causality is intimately connected with free will and consciousness. We have great degrees of freedom in our ability to choose what to do (effect) and the affect it has upon reality.

We are causal agents, sowing the seeds within consciousness that grow into the fruits of our labor through our actions that produce effects into reality. We also reap from reality, which makes us causal agents that sow and reap reality. We sow into reality to affect it, and we reap from reality for it to affect us.

As each of us acts in reality, we input into the collective field, web or causal forces that interchange effects in existence. What we all do creates the human world we have constructed in the past and into the future.

Each individual behavior aggregates with others into a collective sowing and reaping of reality. Once this is understood, we can see that in the end we are all in this together, our actions affect reality and affect others, and the actions other people do affect us as well. If we are headed off a cliff, then we need to take action do something that is required, even if people don't want to face the reality.

Another way to say it is that, as we and others sow, so shall we and others reap, in the aggregate.

We reap what we sow ourselves, but we also reap what others sow because we are in one aggregate system of causal interchange, not in independent isolated systems as an island isolated from everything else.

There is one planet space-ship Earth we live on. As such, we are all in this together. Morality is the foundation for us to learn to get along and thrive as co-habitants on this planet.

Wrong-actions affect us all in the end then, and as one suffers we all suffer in the aggregate. The only way to true unity (within ourselves and with others) is through truth and moral truth so that falsity and wrong-actions can be recognized, let go of, and not created again.

Our individual consciousness is a causal agent that acts as a segment of will (one among many in the world) and is a sower into reality.

The infographic has an individual and collective representation of how this works. We receive input of effects from reality that we are reaping from, which is the deterministic natural law causal force that we don't have a choice in receiving. Then we process that stimulus in ourselves (T-thoughts, E-emotions, A-actions) that acts as a causal force and we sow actions to affect reality. Causes do the sowing, effects do the reaping.

The existence of our human world and way of life is from the collective co-creation of all of our actions and behaviors together to produce the world we have around us.

Reality and existence is the reaper that reciprocates effects or entropy as an accumulation process of all our actions and behaviors that creates the way of life we have.

If we degrade and destroy our planet then we're all going to feel it. The more wrong that we create, the less we head towards more right overall.

As each person outputs to affect reality, those causal forces interact and affects others to form a sort of "field", "force" or "web" of existence and the causal relationships that occur. We have interactions with existence and each other in that *pattern of reality that we affect through our actions and behavior.

Understanding the simple model provides me with a serenity and tranquility of comprehending how the complexity of life works. It's beautiful to understand. The input, processing and output of each individual interacts with others and the causal forces already in existence to make up chaotically complex relationships that we aren't even aware of for the most part. We're not literally all connected, but we are all connected once you understand how this works.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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