The Power to Create Good

If there is evil, it's because we are creating evil. We do it either consciously, willfully, voluntarily, or unconsciously, involuntary and through the influence, conditioning and mind control of others affecting how we think and behave. It doesn’t really matter how or why in the end-result that we manifest, generate and create into the world. The outcome is what matters most, not excuses to justify it.

We, as a species in general, create our own aggregate suffering. That does not mean other people are not responsible for their specific actions that harm and create suffering for us. We collectively, individually, judge, offend and insult ourselves by our own actions.

I am talking about the aggregate human world we live in and how we are all participating or supporting the way of life and behaviors that lead to negative outcomes. For example, through our collectivist apathy to let authoritarian statist governments run amok, and other aspects of our current condition that we tacitly accept as "good" or "necessary" and don't spend time to reflect and contemplate on in greater depth to understand more clearly.

We are the ones doing it, ignorantly or with knowledge of what we are doing. We have great power, great value, great potential and great responsibility that comes with this power of consciousness to alter, affect and change the world around us.

All of the negative in the world, the corruption, wrong, evil and immorality is indeed that, evil, but it is there because we manifested constructs from our consciousness/psyche/mind that are based on incorrect, wrong and false principles at their foundation. Al the negative and evil is there to make us realize the colossal mistakes we make.

The bad, evil, negative, etc., is there to teach us so that we learn from our mistakes, if we have the care, courage and willpower to do so.

It's action and reaction, the Law of Cause and Effect, a Natural Law that pervades all of existence. We reap what we sow. "Karma". What we put out (output) overall as a group of people on this one planet, eventually comes back to affect us. Cause and effect. We let ourselves be manipulated, deceived, controlled and dominated because we fear our own power and the responsibility that comes with it.

The further we deny the reality of the human world we have created together (the co-created reality), the further it will degenerate into more chaos and evil, and suffering will be perpetuated by our own doing through not caring enough to correct the situation. We have the opportunity to face reality and look at it with honest eyes. We must accept the current condition we have created for ourselves, and then choose to change it.

How will we change it? By looking at these negatives, these evils, these wrongs we co-create as an aggregate force of humanity on this planet, and understanding WHY they are there. What is the root cause of these problems we see manifested? Once we see what created the problem, we will understand the nature of the problem and then be in a position to truly affect positive lasting change.

The reason change does not last is because of the false foundational principles of constructs we create in consciousness and manifest into the world. We then continue to hold onto these illusions, because of an attachment to a false identity/self-view and worldview construct, while trying to band-aid and patch up the symptoms and problems that arise from the root source cause that never gets addressed or corrected.

It is all up to us, each one of us. You are very important, you have nearly infinite potential, if you did not know it I am telling you we are powerful. We need to accept the personal responsibility that comes with that power to create good or evil.

I may be less-than-warm and fuzzy in my statements at times because I focus on the bare, hard truth, but people need to face themselves in truth and be honest with the consequences of their choices and actions. Denial is comforting, but it is not the truth. So long as you are not aligned with and care for truth in the foundation of yourself, you will not be creating the greatest potential of truth, "love", freedom, peace, order, etc. that you can be! This development of personal responsibility, self-respect, self-honesty, and self-"love"/self-care is where the realization of your truer, realer and higher potential starts.

That is when we can begin to see what we are a part of, the evil we participate in, by facing ourselves in the mirror, and choosing to abdicate from that participation in wrong/evil/immorality by saying “NO!”. We choose to instead develop true Wisdom to engage in Right-Action and create Good in our world. Our participation and/or support in the enslavement, exploitation, harm, suffering, violence or murder of other innocent beings is not excusable and needs to stop!

We need to stand for foundation principles of truth, justice, right and good. No future of true lasting peace can be built while we engage in degenerated, devolved, low base modalities of consciousness that continue to create evil into the world.

Thank you for reading.

Take care. Peace.

Author: Kris Nelson / @krnel

1st image source unknown. On computer for a long time, sorry.
2nd image source from

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