Who should be the police? Who is most qualified to protect and defend us? All of us, not just a few of us!

Right now we have a small group of people that have certain rights that other people don't. The rest of us can't carry guns around to defend or protect ourselves or others. The rest of us can't arrest people -- either for actual wrongdoings or for breaking fictitious laws.

Is justice really carried out when some people can do things others can't? What about when they abuse their power and get away with it, while we can;t do anything about it?

How did it get this way? And can we change it? What would it take?

Although the police and military are alleged to be protectors, they are order followers that obey the chain of command. Order followers are stuck in a chain of obedience where they will do what they are told, even if it means suppressing free speech or the right to protest wrongdoings from a nearly untouchable elite class of rulers and masters, such as protesting globalism, the Bilderberg group, or the G-8 meetings where global leaders talk about how they're going to run and control the rest of our lives.

We have *given up our personal responsibility to be eternally vigilant, to have the capacity to protect and defend ourselves. We can't really. In many countries you can't walk around even with a knife to protect yourself. If someone wants to be an aggressor, all you have is your physical stature and muscle to defend yourself. Aggressors, violators and criminals don't care about fictitious laws that prevent people from carrying weapons that can be used to defend themselves.

Things can change, but it might take more wrongdoings on the part of the police, military and government to show us the chaos of our ways. Chaos can be a teacher if we pay attention. As a whole, the populations of various nations are not paying enough attention to understand what is going on and how to resolve the issue they don't recognize or don't know how to deal with. Most people think of the government, police and military as forces of alleged "good" that are there to protect us. Yet, the belief in centralized authority and the creation of government has been the number one ultimate murderer of people, known as democide. I consider war as part of state, national or governmental instigation and management, but even without war the state has killed more people in the past century than wars and rebellion.

Imagine though, if we took up our responsibility to protect and defend ourselves, and we also policed ourselves in our own communities. Each one of us can develop the skills and training to be part of a cooperating community that removes falsity, immorality and evil around us.

If we each take up the personal responsibility, rather than abdicate it to others, and become the force for protecting ourselves and others, then there will no longer be a need for the centralized police force that seems to get away with so many wrongdoings against innocent people.

Rather than trying to fix a flawed model of a small group of people having more power than everyone else, we can all work to create something new so that the old fades away. Trying to fight a combat the current mindset and belief that only certain people have rights to authority that others don't because it's part of their "job", is something many people won't accept -- both the police and military, as well as much of the population.

Rather than fighting them, we can create a new and better way of protecting and defending ourselves within our local communities and render the current centralized power and authorities useless. Then there won't be a need for them at all, and they will lose all of their power and authority over us.

It comes down to us recognizing our power as moral causal agents of reciprocity and redress. But it's not up to only a small group of people to manage and take care of the wrongdoings in our community. It's actually all of our responsibility. This is how we all become more responsible, self-sufficient and self-governing over our own lives and not allow a small centralized group of authoritarians to prevent us from speaking freely, or protesting freely, or other things that don't harm anyone.

Think about it. In all the areas where centralized authority wants to put people into cages for smoking a plant taking some other drug, we as a community don't have to let that happen. We as a community don't have to put people into small cages and throw away the key until they've passed their time quota of spending months or years locked up. That is not rehabilitation. You can send in a completely sane and good person, and they will walk out of prison a different psychological being with possible trauma and other issues in tow.

If the centralized authority wants to continue to abuse their power and other people, then individual communities can act alone or united under an understanding of the principles of nonaggression and morality to stop these abuses of power and reciprocate and redress the wrongs that they have committed just as if it was any other criminal. The centralized authority of police won't have as much power over us because we will be taking up the power and responsibility ourselves in our own lives. And eventually they can completely faded out of existence where they have no power anymore.

Do we continue to let others choose the overall guidance and control of society and the communities we live in? Or do we want to become more empowered and actualize greater degrees of freedom in our lives by becoming more responsible, self-sufficient and self-governing over what happens around us?

One is where we continue to allow masters and rulers (archons) to decide how we live while our voices are basically unheard. The other is where we choose to not allow masters and rulers over our lives (an-archonic, an-archy), where we choose to become our own masters over the domain of our own lives, respecting the sovereignty of other beings and their right to life and freedom.

This is why empowering independence of developing responsibility, self-sufficiency and self-governance is related to this goal of self-mastery, to be masters of our own self-dominion. Does goal to truly improve our lives for the better, to be more moral and more free beings, is called developing self-governance, self-control, self-mastery, sovereignty, self dominion, self ownership, self-rulership, self-"love", and even enlightenment.

This is the potential we can achieve, and we have the power within our consciousness to do it.

Thank you for your time and attention! I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Take care. Peace.

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