Steemit can be a game changer in the eradication of unemployment

Friends as a conscious citizen I often wonder and worry about the future of young people of our country. India is the 2nd largest populous country of the world. Due to the existence of poverty and unemployment most of the young generations i.e. the demanding and efficient man-power are being destroyed day by day.


The energetic people want job at any cost but unfortunately are unable to get employment, so the frustrated 'resources' are vastly misguided by various antisocial factors which compells them to turn into Kidnappers,
Terrorist, drug abusers, robbers etc. These people become so furious that they even forget their friends and family and don't hesitate to harm them.

The government of our country has been failed to meet up with the unemployment problem. Around 4 billion people are living a life as unemployed or as under employment in our country. It is like a great giant, which immensely hollows our economy.

But now, as a member of this family, a great hope and expectations arise in my mind. If we unite together, the educated unemployment problem may be able to solve. Our unity and support may be become a big deal for them. I think we should encourage as much as possible youth to join in this community.

As a member of this family, we can play a double role by engaging the educated unemployed as new users in our family and also can contribute a great deal for the society for the eradication of unemployment problem.

We humans are little bit conservatives, we often engaged ourselves for the benefit of our own lives. In this universe except men all animals and plants can't think of their own lives. The cow gives us Milk, but in return expect nothing
from us. Similarly the sun gives us heat and light and expect nothing. But we are always expect from others.

Friends, let us take the steps to end the problem. If we unite together to make the best thing, no one in the world have the power to stop us .Unity and positive thoughts will be the supreme strength to get rid of the most important problem of our country.

Thanks for reading. If you like my post please don't forget to Upvote follow and esteemit.

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