Feeding the other wolf

We cant honestly think that anything valuable can be achieved by being negative, by being the one who is quick to point out all the reasons to give up, to not try. Yet, it becomes to easy for us the sapiens to fall back into negativity and many of us do. There are valid reasons to think of the worse outcomes, perspective is valuable in all circumstances, but building upon negativity is something I don't think can be done.

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I'm not talking about being delusional

Its important to stay grounded and I won't make any arguments in favor of myopic positivism. My intention and my point is more that in a life of no absolutes, of nuanced dimensions, our choices, our focus can change the outcome of any situation. If we choose feel powerless then we are, if we choose to feel powerful then we can be.

Aside from all the negative associations we may have the "mental programming" we all should be able to appreciate the ability it may have to help us evolve and grow. I often say half way joking that one of my intentions with the @helpie project is to mentally reprogram some awesome Steemians and I say this only because this platform, just like in real life, never has a shortage of negativity to spread around.

If perception is Truth

Then we must all learn to see with different eyes, to see opportunity instead of impossibility, to see lessons instead of deserved or undeserved punishments. I mean, as far as we know the world does not revolve around our will and there is nothing we can effectively do to control everything around us. All we can do is accept how we feel about things, internalize our emotions and processes past events into new valuable wisdom.

On that note... I had a great conversation with a good friend yesterday, as much as it was about a negative subject that made absolutely no one smile, I found it quite productive. It was a practice of perspective, of feeding the other wolf and in an attempt to make a case for practical wisdom, if there is even such a thing, I said this.

"Most of what you hear about life will be bullshit, it will be pretty, but it will be bullshit... so read, question and create your truth and don't let anyone rob you of your own discovery, because when its all over and its time to sleep for the last time, no one gives you a trophy for following the rules"

It does need some polishing I will admit, but I can't help but to ask myself if a younger mind would even get what I mean by these lines. Would this even make sense to someone with a different life experience than my own? I don't know... I have no clue.... I will however raise my coffee to the hypothetical me that lives in a distant future... I'm sure he will be looking back at this moment of ignorance and chuckle.

(signature by @bembelmaniac )
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