What one thing do you think individual people can do to make a positive impact on humanity? ecoTrain Question of The Week

As a Divine Channel there are many things I can think of that would have a big positive change on humanity, but there is one thing in particular that I believe would have a truly profound affect on how we all interact with each other and the snowball affect this would have long term on communities and humanity in general, this one thing is discernment.


The definition of discernment in the Collins English Dictionary is:

Discernment is the ability to judge which things of a particular kind are good and which are bad.

I really like this definition and to me discerning is finding out what is Truth and what is not Truth. Now this brings us on to an interesting subject that we probably should touch on briefly before we continue with discernment, because if people don’t know what Truth is then that causes an issue with good discerning!

What is Truth?

I often hear or read of people talking about ‘my truth’, well there isn’t actually any such thing as ‘my truth’ and ‘your truth’ or anyone else’s truth! 

There is only ONE TRUTH and this TRUTH is true for all of humanity.

  • Truth is Truth regardless of what we believe!
  • Truth is 'Universal' for all humanity and all life

The Truth is Truth regardless of what we all believe and it is true for all energy, all people, all beings. 

Truth is 'Universal', so for example, the Law of Gravity is Truth. Everything on earth will fall to the ground if not supported. It doesn't matter what we believe, where we live, what our parents or teachers said, what the government is or isn't doing; if we let go of an object it will fall to the ground - Universal Law. (unless it’s a helium balloon!)

A belief is linked to certain individuals and isn't true for everyone, it is just something those people believe. If we were brought up in another country then we would have different beliefs. 

If you were brought up to be a Christian then you will have Christian beliefs, if you had been born into a Muslim family then you would have Muslim beliefs. Some people are brought up with religious beliefs and then choose a different religion, spirituality or to have no fixed beliefs. All beliefs are taught to us and are different depending on who is giving out the information. 

None of these beliefs act like the Law of Gravity as having the same affect on all people, so they are beliefs and not Truth.

Most of our world issues, wars and conflict come from people defending beliefs that are just opinions and not Truth. If people could just understand the difference between Truth and beliefs then the world would be a much happier, kinder, caring and more peaceful place.

As people become more aware they can see and feel the difference between a belief and Truth. We can be open to allowing others to have their beliefs without being offended or upset or feeling we need to change who they are or what they believe.

Truth is, we cannot change anyone unless they want to be changed. The more anyone forces their beliefs on others, the more resistance there will to hearing them and listening with an open heart. This is because our heart energy is a pure energy that repels 'force'. We feel and learn through our heart energy when we feel safe, happy and supported by high vibrations such as love, compassion and caring.

  • Truth comes from Pure Source. 
  • Force comes from an evil source. 

When someone is trying to force a belief on someone else they are connecting to evil to do this, because:

Pure does not force, not ever.

Now we have a better understanding of what Truth is, it should be easier to see the importance and value of discernment. 

The True Power of Discernment

When we can discern we are able to FEEL what is TRUTH and what is not. 

These feelings are so powerful that when we feel them we have an ‘inner knowing’ and no amount of talk and persuasion from someone is going to change what we feel. They might make us doubt our interpretation of what we are feeling but they cannot change what we feel.

Can you imagine living in a world where you can feel what is Truth, what is right, moral and in integrity and who you can trust and who you can’t?

Imagine what a huge impact that would have on the whole of humanity.

Anyone who is lying, manipulating, deceiving, cheating and using corrupt or immoral means to have power over another would be felt as doing such and so people would consciously choose not to connect to this person because they are out of integrity and up to no good!

The more people who are living through integrity, then the more those who are not living in integrity are going to stand out as immoral, and so a huge shift to living through integrity would happen. The only reason we have so much evil, immoral, lying, cheating and conning behaviour going on is because these people are so good at it that the majority of people are conned and don’t realise they are being manipulated into someone else’s game to have control over them. If we all instantly felt and knew we were being conned and lied to then we would back off and not connect.

All those up to no good would be out of business, as we all choose to connect and work with like minded souls who are in integrity. This will create a shift of wealth from the unscrupulous to those doing good and creating a better world - yay!!

I do hope you can see, feel and imagine how this would work and how in terms of creating mass change for humanity, it is quite a simple concept that can have a very profound affect, I mean after all don’t the majority of people want to live in integrity with like minded caring, loving, truthful souls? Of course we do, so living through our feelings as our guidance is an amazing and powerful way to live.

How Can We Discern?

Discerning is asking a question and feeling the answer.

For this to work we ned to have some simple guidelines.  The question needs to be:

  • Simple and short
  • Give a yes or no answer

Questions that are too long, complicated or have an either / or component in them won’t give a clear answer, so some examples of unclear questions are:

  • Should I take job A or job B?
  • Which political party should I vote for?
  • What should I do today?

These questions are not giving a definite yes or no answer so you won’t get a clear feeling.

Once you get the hang of asking simple questions that give a yes or no answer then it’s all about feeling the answer - yep Feeling the Answer!!

Asking Your Question

When you start learning how to discern it’s a good idea to ask questions that you know the answer to. This is because we need to learn what our feeling is for a 'yes or true' answer and a 'no or false' answer. Knowing these feelings are the key to discerning, so getting some strong feelings is really important before you start to ask questions that you don’t yet know the answer.

Here are some examples of good, simple, clear questions that give a yes or no answer:

  • Is my name Michelle Carter?
  • Is my name Jane Brown?
  • Do I live in England?
  • Do I live in America?
  • Do I have brown eyes?
  • Do I have blue eyes?

These are very basic and simple questions that you can amend for yourself and to which you obviously do know the answers! So when you are asking these questions you are asking them to notice what you feel. You do need to ask questions that are going to give you a yes and a no answer so you can feel the difference. If you ask all yes questions then you won’t be feeling what a no question feels like!

Feeling Your Answer

Usually the feeling will be felt in your stomach, this is our gut feeling, but you can have other feelings and what each person feels can vary, this is why you need to feel and know your own feelings.

Yes or True Answer

A yes or true answer will be a light or rising feeling. You might feel happier, lighter, a little spacey, have a feeling sensation going up your body or rising in your stomach.

No or False Answer

A no or false answer is the opposite to the yes or true answer and the feeling is also the opposite, so you will feel a heavy or lowering feeling. You might have a kicked in the stomach feeling, or have a feeling of doom, bad or it’s just not right or good.

Keep experimenting with lots of simple questions that you know the answer to until you are confident with the feelings that you are getting and can really tell the difference between a yes and no feeling. 

If you’re finding this hard to feel then I recommend that you work on quietening your mind and feel some peace and stillness before you start your questions. You can download my Free Audio to Still Your Mind to help you feel some peace and stillness.

You can also try closing your eyes, this will help you to feel more. We rely on our eyes and sight so much that it is very dominant over our other senses, so closing our eyes is almost opening us up to feeling more easily.

What Can I Ask and Discern on?

To get clear answers, especially when you don’t know the answer to your question, you need to work with questions that are about Truth and Integrity. As you tune in more then you can expand on this and you will feel answers on other subjects.

As I work as a Divine Energy Channel doing energy healing work, I am working with people who have connected and worked with other healers, psychics and spiritual people. Unfortunately, not all of these people are in integrity and working for Light. That did come as a huge shock to me when I found this out, and the feeling was such a ‘kick in the gut’ I had no doubt it was true, even though I was horrified to discover this was so. 

We have been led to believe that ’Seeing is Believing’ 

When it comes to discerning then ‘Feeling is Believing!’

If you wish to discern if a certain person, company, charity or organisation is in integrity then you can ask some of the following questions:

  • Does ‘Jack’ have Divine Intention / Integrity?
  • Is “Jack’ honest and truthful?
  • Can I trust ‘Jack”?

These kind of questions are really useful before buying something from someone or a company. You can even change ‘Jack’ for a product or service.

I do hope you can see the power in this simple technique that is tuning into Universal Truth to give excellent guidance whenever we have a decision to make.

I am so excited and passionate about discernment and everyone learning how to discern that I have made the following video to walk, talk and guide you through learning how to discern, so please do watch and participate in this video and learn what your feelings are for yes and no or true and false.

Summary of Discerning

  • Discerning is a FEELING
  • Your mind is not required to butt in and sabotage the process!
  • Have a clear, calm and peaceful mind before you ask your question
  • Your question needs to give a clear yes or no answer
  • Your question needs to be related to Truth, these answers are coming from Universal Truth, so no lottery numbers who is going to win the football match!

I truly believe that discerning has the power to change how humanity acts and to shift the power from those who are out of integrity to those who have integrity.

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